Thursday, December 10, 2009

Would i be a good actress??

i have experience in acting. ive had 1 speaking part in a play, that was in like October. before that, i was a waitress at a dinner theater (they said i was the best one there) and before that i had 2 minor non speaking parts. in April i will be in another play, with a decent part as a stewardess. i get stage fright easily, but ive only dropped a line once and i picked back up very well. i live in southwest virginia, land of no oppurtunity. do looks have anything to do with acting? cuz most actresses are botoxy dieting glossy haired divas. i dont know if id fit in. i really love acting, its so much fun to hear the crowd cheer for you even if you didnt do very good. my drama instructer says i have the magic 'stage presence' and command attention when im on stage. i dont want to do theater though... i dream of being in a movie or tv show. what makes somone a good actress? how can i be that?

Would i be a good actress??sunshine

Well let us start off with being a glossy hair diva.Thats only the tip of the iceberg. The biggest part is convincing. And what I see that u wrote in your ?? First off get out of southwest Virginia.And get a ride on a Jet plane (southwest) and go to ORLANDO FL. And rent a car. and head for the castle.Ask anyone for direction if you don't know where it is.Went you get there ask for mickey and tell him you want to be an actress but don't tell him convince him.If you do this with any success you will land a job.

Would i be a good actress??star theater opera theater

Looks absolutely have a lot to do with acting. Thin, good looking girls tend to get a lot more roles - mostly because there are more roles written for them. As you get older (I'm 50 now) - weight can sometimes help you get a role - because there are more roles for heavy "mother aged" women.

Hollywood is about glamor and beauty. Sure - we have Kathy Bates - but most of the stars are thin and beautiful. You'll notice that foreign films have women in them who just look like regular women. Here in America - we think that all leading ladies have to be drop dead gorgeous. It's sad - and it's not too realistic either.

Go get training and see where it takes you. Do as many shows as you possibly can do. Yes - you should leave Virginia. You don't say how old you are. There's a lot of summer stock on the east coast. Figure out where the auditions are and try to get in. It's not much pay - but good experience. Do you sing? That always helps actors.

If you want to do film - then get into a city and start looking for the opportunities. They are usually not as available as stage opportunities.

Do as much acting as you can. Do your homework about directors and theatre companies and make sure they are somewhat reputable and not hard to work for/with.

Take classes if you can afford it. Scenework, scenework, scenework. Most of my learning came from doing scenework. I had a class in college that required at least one and sometimes two scenes a week. Everyone was killing themselves to find rehearsal time with their scene partner and memorize their lines and do the acting as well as possible. Then - the professor would let the class critique you. It was brutal sometimes. People would rip you apart - or sometimes - if you were really good - praise you. THAT is where I learned to act. (although you never stop learning) It's also where I learned to be directed - and take criticism and use it in a positive way. So - if you can find a class where you are doing scene work and monologue work - A LOT - that's the route to go.

If you go to the city - you'll also be able to take film acting classes.

This answer was kind of "rambling" - sorry. I just spewed out my thoughts.

Break a leg!!

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