Thursday, December 10, 2009

Two very strange dreams.?

okay, so the other night i had a dream that i was back in my old school, and it was kinda dirty and the classrooms were a mess! and all the grades were mixed up. and everyone was mad at me and hated me for some reason, then at the end of the day there was an educationonal movie they wanted us to watch, and we had to watch it in a BIG movie theater, and i wanted to sit my one of my old guy friends that i hadn't seen in forever, and he was sitting with a redheaded girl and she got mad at me and started cussing and stuff, and then i got in trouble!!! very strange huh? well, my dad had an even WEIRDER dream! he was standing on top of some monkey bars that were 5 stories high. he had his clothes on, but he was standing up there with a buch of old guys with no clothes on! and one of the guys tried to swing across the monkey bars but then he fell towards his death. now those are some very strange dreams right there!!! i've tried and it didn't help. can you?

Two very strange dreams.?secure browser

I guess you had some unresloved issues in school. Your Dad knows who he is and where he is going, most people don't.

Two very strange dreams.?home theater opera theater

You represent or are the school in your dreams.

Your Dad's dream means he was with a bunch of guys whose real natures (intents) were exposed. They couldn't not hide who they were inside. One of them even lost his footing. I hope this helps somewhat.
thats very weird but There is a book called Book of Dreams or something like that! but it tells you everything!!! Well your dreams sound pretty funky!! Weird!
You are angry with your father, that is why he died. And, your dream shows that you could have had a better life, that is why you ended back at a school with lower standards of living. You have alot of fear and anger in you. From your past and your present.
YOUR DREAM: This is a typical dream-visiting your old school and running the halls which are somewhat different in the dream. Seeing an old friend in your dreams means that you will encounter an old friend/ get news from old friends (may not be the same person) soon. Regarding the redhaired girl, its more of a projection of your social insecurities.

DAD's DREAM: He is considering some options in his life right now. The other guys represent some of his choices. He is probably weighing the risks involved for each option. Your dad's afraid he might fail.

In the end, dream interpretation is best done by the dreamer because it is based on what is happening at the present, consciously and subconsciously. ^_^
Okay, dream interpretation is only for recurring dreams. If you have dominant themes or ideas which keep appearing in your dreams, then there is probably some merit to interpreting them.

Otherwise, the average dream is a combination of filing away available memories accumulated throughout the day together with subconscious cues derived from your external environment while sleeping. Don't worry about it...until it comes back...

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