Thursday, December 10, 2009

Will I be to old to be an actor ?

I am 38 and in the Army, I will be retiring in 4 years and wish to move to LA to pursue an acting career. I will be 42 by then. Is this to old to chase after my dream ? I already have a Bachelors degree in theater, and currently take acting classes as a hobby in my off duty time.

Will I be to old to be an actor ?listen to opera

First of all to everyone who mentioned Morgan Freeman, he'd been acting in theatre for many years before he broke out. And dude, you're not too old. Glad to see you have training. You've got a serious leg up on most of the types who come out here. Keep studying this wonderful craft of ours. Even if you don't make it, acting is a great life. Hope to see you out here soon.

Will I be to old to be an actor ?concert venue opera theater

People have begun acting careers much older than that. You're basically too old once you're dead.
I don't think thats too old to be a actor... Chase after and catch your dreams!! Good luck!!
no - there are many opportunities for actors of all ages...
Generally speaking, don't buy into the "too old" philosophy in life. Colonel Sanders was around 65 before he became successful and famous.
George Burns was older than that
As far as I am concerned, you are NEVER too old to follow your dream. Go for it! On a side note...thank you for your service in the Army.
Haha dude! Of course!!! There is not age limit in the theatre business! I'll remember you when I start my directing career lol. Go for it!
If that is your desire, go for it. I know Isabel Sanford, Wheezy on the Jeffersons, didn't start until she was older.
okay great, Billy Bob Thronton and Morgan Freeman are older actors..there is many more

so go for it!
never too late to do anything. if u love acting, if u love the art and craft by all means do it.

but if u want to be famous, the younger ones will have a heads up.

hollywood and theatre is based mainly on looks and youth. it s a biased field.

so u may not do so well in hollywood but you can probably and excellent actor for the sake of being excellent.
Its a tough business to break into young or old unless you know someone in the business.

You might be able to work in live theater they don't seem to have an age limit. They also don't have a closed ranks, everyone in that town pretty much looks alike, thin, and ditzy.
Breaking into acting is hard to begin with. If you want a movie career you're probably not going to get anywhere. If you want to act in theater on the other hand it's not so crazy. Theater is more about talent then youth. Good luck.
Remember that show Northern Exposure...the older lady who played Ruth Ann Miller did not even take an acting class until she was 65...then acted regularly after getting the role on Northern no, you are never too old!!
No, you won't be. The only problem is that you won't be one of the highest rated because you wouldn't have made as many as some of the actors in there 60's. But you wouldn't be too old to chase your dream. You'd probably get there and be good at it. Hope that helps a bit...
actually no you will not be because there are ppl who are like 60 most likely if it's only make-up but im pretty sure you will be able to
I don't think so,I want to get into musicals and I won't be trying out until I'm in my thirty's.I say go for it,it's never to late to go for your dreams.
There are roles for all shapes and sizes and age groups. Are you married with kids? That really makes the decision tougher. If not, go for it! Some have started late and had success....Gabreil Burne and Brendan Gleason (Mel Gibson's buddy in Braveheart) are a couple examples. I bet they're glad they made the leap.
My first acting job was at age 66.

In all honesty, however, It proved beyond a shadow of a doubt

that I should stay behind the camera.

Do not let my inability deter you, however.
My understanding is Morgan Freedman started at a very old age.

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