Thursday, December 10, 2009

Help with dreams?

i had a dream last night that i was at the movie theater and we were watching a movie of the worlld was ending, but it wasnt a movie, it was like actually what was happening to the world at the moment, and i woke and in a sweat

what does it mean when you dream of the world ending?

Help with dreams?the grand theater

Dreams are often metaphors for how we feel. Perhaps you are going through a stressful time 鈥?school, work, or home life 鈥?and you feel like "it's the end of the world." Endings and beginnings are common themes in dreams, because we often are beginning or ending something 鈥?whether it be a class, a relationship, moving, etc. Sometimes we don't like the changes we are going through, thus, a dream like this 鈥?"it's the end of the world." And, we also often tend to not tell other people when we are feeling down, or are worried, and our dreams will act out those feelings for us in the way of images.

Don't worry about it, just realize that perhaps you are stressed and worried about upcoming changes. If we don't pay attention to what we are going through, then our dreams will find a way for us to pay attention. It sounds like this dream did just that!

Things will turn around and you will start having better dreams! Good luck!

Help with dreams?soap opera opera theater

actually the dream is to make us realize that this world is no longer strong..for your info i had dream of this thing many time before...and it scares me too...maybe this dream is to make you and all of us a better person...because all the thing that happen in this world always have its own reason....maybe you had commited a sin and because of that there is someone that came into your dream and wanna tell you to make it right before it's too late....
In my opinion, dreams don't predict something.I have dreamed something similar ,too and . . . nothing happened.

In dreams we can see everything we are afraid of, or everything we WANT to happen

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