Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is it wrong to be an actress and not want something in the bussiness?

First let me say that i dont mean to offend anyone, i do i sincerly apoligize. Well i am Huge into theater. I love it, its my dream to become a actess. But i have a problem. Now i am a christain and i dont really agree in homosexuality but i do respect. I really dont mind if someone is, i even have a ex who is gay and we check out other guys all the time. i know weird but i mean im just showing i dont care, but in theater its everywhere. In the plays, the actors , the characters everything. Now if i were to be in a play with that or someone in it, it wouldn't be a problem for me but i for some reason am waiting to come around and not care about kissing the same sex it's just actin but i really dont think i could kss them oppisite sex, no matter how much i want it! I love everybody, but for some reason i still dont like seeing the kissin and i dont think i could kiss either. What should i do is it okay? at my skool the'd undrstand but they might not let me in any of the skools plays?!?

Is it wrong to be an actress and not want something in the bussiness?chicago theater

Sometimes, as Christians, we have to stick to our values no matter what. It might mean that we don't get a part we really want, but what is more important in the long run? I have been in that very position. I had to refuse a role because I didn't want to compromise. You know what? It sucked at the time, but I got over it! Other roles came along. However, I want to remind you that you have to be salt and light to a hurting world. We are ALL sinners, and sexual sin is no "worse" of a sin than lying to your parents. Learn to be "in the world, but not of it". That means that you can work with people that do things that you don't agree with without compromising your own values. After all, Jesus hung out with the lowest of the low! He didn't condemn them, He loved them! That's what we are called to do. Love them, pray for them, and live your life as an example. You can do it!

Is it wrong to be an actress and not want something in the bussiness?met opera opera theater

There are many popular actors that feel the same way. Will Smith for examply, in one of his earlier movies, refused to kiss another guy so they had to shoot the scene from a different angle to make it look like they were kissing. If it's something you feel uncomfortable doing, dont do it! Simple as that. I dont think it will affect your career. Just dont go audition for roles as a gay person, and you should be just fine avoiding it.
Don't do anything you are not comfortable with. That's your right. It's not wrong. If you don't want to do something asked of you for a role, then you're not right for the role. Ask politely if it could be changed, or quit. But by the way - If you think you are going to avoid gay people and have a career in the theatre at the same time, you are sorely mistaken.

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