Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can I go far with this career choice?

I want to go to college for performing arts. I am in 2 choirs, 2 private singing classes, can sing very well, and act. I want to try to do theater as my job. It is my dream. My dad is worried that that will not work out and that I should have a back up plan and major in something more stable as well. If theater does not work out, isn't there other choices like vocal teacher, choir director, acting class, etc. Or will it not be enough to be independent and make a living.

Can I go far with this career choice?lyric opera

I'd worry too. But that said, passion is what makes people great. If you are interested in this career path, I would be talking to people who are successful doing it. I'm sure you know there is more to it than performing, but if you are asking the question here, there is no way you understand the business.

You would be smart to diversify your education. A business or finance backup could help you in your chosen career, and at the very worst get you a job in the lean times of performing arts. Good luck!

Can I go far with this career choice?imax theater opera theater

Do not give up on your dream but do have a back up plan. Theater is very hard to get into and YES you will be a starving artist. You need to be prepared and do more research. I suggest you find a chat room or blog for Theater workers and talk to them about what they go through and what they had to do to get there. Then decide if that is something you are willing to do. You could consider teaching arts and interpretive dance. There is always a need for teachers, but stay within what you like to do.
You probably should prepare for a career that is available for a lifetime. High schools and Jr. Highs are always looking for drama teachers, choral and vocal instructors to name a few. It's also very rewarding working with children and teens, especially in the performing arts because it is an elective - something kids choose rather than a requirement for graduation.

I have had some of my special ed students in show choir and drama classes, where their disabilities seem to disappear.

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