Thursday, December 10, 2009

How is my singing? Could I ever make it?

Hi all. This is my first question to Y!A although I answer questions all the time.

I am 20 years old, studying costume design for theater in college. I have always had a secret dream to be a singer- to sing anything. People have told me I'm good. Recently, my program in costume is not going well, and I still have another year to go. Also, I'm turning 21 tomorrow and I realize that, well, I'm getting older and I need to make some choices.

So, I finally worked up the courage to record myself singing. Please let me know what you think, which is your favorite, what I need to work on, if I should pursue it, anything you want. I do absolutely love it, but I get so terribly embarrassed and scared. Even the thought of someone I know finding me on here is.. horrifying...

Anyway, here I am:

How is my singing? Could I ever make it?movie theatre

There is a certain stigma associated with singing in pretty much every humans head.

It was really hard for me to first get past that "OMG people will hear me" stage! But in order to pursue what you really want to do, you have to be humble and realize that it won't be a mistake free road. The pure act of attempting to sing puts yourself on the chopping block, and not everyone is good at singing.

However! Life is about work, Michael Jordon wasn't born the greatest basketball player on earth, and most singers are not market-ably good at first, and many are downright bad.

But with persistence, drive, and some thick skin, they learn, gain experience and continue to build and form their talent. I wasn't able to listen to your stuff at this time, but from what I've read no one is dancing around "singing" your praises.

That doesn't mean stop, it means keep working.

As I speak I'm listing to myself on my iPod. It's a lifelong dream come true, and it hasn't been easy. I've been ridiculed, and had embarrassing moments, and had terrible performances. But I've had fun, and seen that even though everyone may not like my voice I have been able to reach many, and they are sooo cool and supportive with my career!

That's why people tell you not to give up on your dreams ~ but they say it with the knowledge that you will have to work incredibly hard to get there.

Good Luck lady!


How is my singing? Could I ever make it?playhouse opera theater

You are very good! Try working on projection, that way your voice will have more boom and you will be louder, not screaming, but you will be able to sing across a room and have everyone hear you! Other than that you are good!

:) Best Wishes!
I listened(watched) a couple of your you tube postings. Could you ever make it?

Hard to tell. I would give you an A+ though just for your bravery if nothing else.

It's readily apparent that you're downright terrified, which is not good. You would certainly have to overcome your stage fright.

The accompanying music is beautiful, your phrasing is professional and you seem to have considerable poise.

And forgive me, but you're not very attractive, especially with those Godawful glasses.

If you're really serious about becoming a professional singer, the absolute first thing you must do, is get a really good classical voice teacher; stay with them and be willing to practice like hell for at least 3 or 4 years. You must learn to breath properly and how to project your voice.

If you're willing to do all these things, you might have a chance. But, and again forgive me, you would probably be a lot better off in some other profession.


Please excuse me but im gonna be as harsh and unrational as i can be, cause that's what its like out on the stage in the real world. with this kind of attitude you will NEVER be a singer. EVER. ever. EVER! get it! why even ASK this question? the whole point in life is to go after the things we love with as much passion and effort as anything in our lives. its a risk, but we learn more from our mistakes than we ever do by doing something right. yeah... ur 21 and im way younger than you and i know this. it may have just taken you longer to realize this but maybe you need someone to tell this to your face, so here it is. Follow your heart. It may sound cliche but it is the one saying in this world that you should really listen to. If singing is your passion then you will do anything to achieve it. Read the Alchemist, its amazing and will help you realize that you should go against everything youve ever learned.

As for your voice... your good. Your tone quality is good and everything is perfect. The only thing is... is that its boring. Quiet and boring. Have more confidence. The whole part of singing is that it's an act. You need to stop working on back stage, singing is when your in the spotlight and that is never going to change.

JUst remember, you will never be a singer with this attitude, i can't even believe you asked such a stupid question and im one of those people who dont believe there is such a thing as a stupid question, but this is. how COULD you? You were given a gift and you have no drive to share your gift with others. im a singer, not professionally but it doesn't matter. I live for the moments wherre i feel the music winding itself around me.

Buy THe Alchemist. if you don't get it the first time, read it again.

Good Luck, i hope you realize how i got so angry at this question.
yes you do sound good and u look exactly like ur avatar
I think you are fantastic, you DO need to work on your volume!! I had to crank the speakers on my comp to hear you. But you have a beautiful voice and I think you have what it takes, and the glasses add character to your face, but you might want to consider getting contacts, instead, but they aren't as bad as someone else made them out to be. I think you are a very pretty young woman and could go very far with your voice, if you can just get over the whole worry about anyone seeing you on here. . . who cares, I mean, the most they can do is laugh and that's only if they are cruel heartless bastards, because anyone with any decency will tell you that you are as good as you let yourself be!! Good luck sweetie! and I hope this helps! ^_^

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