Saturday, December 5, 2009

My age made me worry that I never had a boyfriend. I'm a good looking. Can i still become a soc

I am going to be 30 this year. I am an artist living in Milano. I came here to study (design) many years ago (I am not italian). But i never really made friends here (cultural difference? i live here 10 years now). I am not a social person, even if i like to be with people, but i am shy and too much concern about myself. Still in my secret dreams i am dreaming to become a famous social person having many friends but i guess it will always be just the dream, I was thinking to move away from here (I thought the problem was not in me but in the environment), but i guess it is not about the place, but about me. I like to read books (they are my best friends) to go to the cinema, theater, exibitions. I love horses,i used to have mine, but i dont have it anymore as it is too complicated to have itliving in Milano. In the whole my life i had 2 best girl friends, but before living in Milano,since i am here i never really had friends.I focus all my time on my work, but on weekends i'm so lonely

My age made me worry that I never had a boyfriend. I'm a good looking. Can i still become a social person?plays

it sounds like you stay to yourself alot, and i don't mean just be meeting people. do you go out on the weekends? sometimes there are ads you can put in the paper to MAKE FRIENDS. i have done that. i was new to my state %26amp; wanted people to hang out with, so i put an ad in the paper for girls to hang out with (i'm a girl too) and have fun times with. explain you don't like to go out alone. that was how i was...i was afraid to go out by myself. but trust me, just go out a little at a time, and maybe start talking to someone like another girl. if a guy sees you are going out %26amp; having friends, he will be interested in you, because then he sees you are open to doing things %26amp; going places %26amp; having friends. good luck!!

My age made me worry that I never had a boyfriend. I'm a good looking. Can i still become a social person?opera ticket opera theater

Get a dog. They are friendlier and they don't get half your stuff if you get rid of them.
Get out there! Mingle, join some clubs, reach out to others! Do the things you like to do and be your own best friend until you find others. Take yourself out, smile at people, start conversations, ask others to go to coffee with you or meet you for desert, extend a friendly hand! Good Luck!
get a life.
i can be your boyfriend lets email each other
no because you maybe your ears are yucky
No gal is too old for anything.If u have a daring heart,everything will come your way.I would suggest that u start talking to it phone or be it mails...and then,they can start teaching u lot of things.Never be dis hearted by anything in ur life feeling that u will die tomorrow.get the confidence and get to a guy and ask him a stupid question...believe me,he will talk to u something!no guys would turn back a gal.all the best.
Sometimes I wonder also! Like you know you're good looking and people tell you are good looking but you just can't get a guy. I know exactly what you are talking about! You are not alone in this! One suggestion I have for you is stop being a hermit! You can't expect to meet people if books are your best friends!And don't focus all your time on one should live like that! You need to make yourself social! Just get out! You should go out one night and pretend you are a tourist! Everyone loves a tourist, because they are exotic, and you know why they are exotic because they are different! And different is SPECIAL! So go out and have fun!
well all u have to do is to fight ur self comeon is not so bad like these..just talk to ppl tell them all what's goingon in ur mind ..if the idea of "what if they found me bad"stop u from talking,oh just think about it what if they really found u bad ..r they gonna to kill you or they r not gonna to talk with u againe comeon u already not talking to anyone so u r not gonna to lose anything "if u have nothing,there's nothing to lose"if ppl found u bad now tomorrow they will find u good-step by step-but plz don't spend all ur life alone...and by the way the problem not in the place ..the changes start from inside ourselves first
many people who travel for work or study have this problem.

Your problems are two.

one, you lost your normal network of friends and family, and

two, you haven't made a decision about where you really prefer to live.

if you are content to remain in Milano, you must make an effort to have normal friends and build up a social life.

you could join a club or sport along your own interests.

have you considered internet dating?

take it slowly! write and chat with on-line friends for a few months then arrange to meet in a crowded public place during daylight.
come out!! have a break... mingle.. 4get for just one day your work... and do happenings!! drink wine.

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