Thursday, December 10, 2009

Interpret what some of my dreams mean please?

From what i remember, i saw this in a couple of dreams.

A flood that went into my house, i went upstairs

I went upstairs and looked out the window and everything was flooded up to the point where it was in the window, I looked out again a couple minutes later and everything was basically normal, just a little flooded

Another dream I went to my ex-girlfriends house andi hugged her, it felt so real, then me and her went to like a thing that was like a riverbed and just hugged each other for so long, in the dream I felt like she was like the most important person in the world and it was most great feeling holding on to her again. It got me really confused because me and her stopped talking to each other because of some problems, I thought I didn’t care but I don’t know anymore.

In another dream, I went to my old school, and saw old friends. I had a backpack with pizza inside. As I went to the school bus stop, I saw a big trailer jumping up and down like a low rider but to the side as well, it was weird, then I hid behind like a trash can and woke up.

In another dream, I went to the ex-girlfriends house again, but it was a new place, this time the feeling was very tense, like she didn’t want me there, and she really disliked me for something I did before, so did her friends and family that used to treat me like family.

Also in this dream, I was like in a mall and went to the theaters with one of her friends but as we were going in, that’s all I remember.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

Interpret what some of my dreams mean please?imax theater

To see a house in your dream, represents your own soul and self.

To see a raging flood with its muddy debris, signifies that you will have much unsettling occurrences and tribulations in life. Your repressed emotions may be overwhelming you.

o dream that you are walking up a flight of stairs, indicates that you are achieving a higher level of understanding. You are making progress into your spiritual/emotional/material journey.

To dream that you are looking out the window, signifies your outlook on life, your consciousness, point of view, awareness, and intuition. You may be reflecting on a decision and seeking guidance.

Since you looked out the window and saw this dlood and moments later looked again and saw things back to almost normal tells me you have a decision to make and you know what you should do but have not did it yet.


To dream about your ex-girlfriend or that you and your ex got back together again, suggests that something or someone in your current life that is bringing out similar feelings you felt during the relationship with your ex. The dream may be a way of alerting you to the same or similar behavior in a current relationship. What you learn from that previous relationship may need to be applied to the present one so that you do no repeat the same mistake.

To dream that you are hugging someone, symbolizes your loving and caring nature. You are holding someone or something close to your heart.

To see a clear, calm-flowing river in your dream, signifies that you are allowing your life to float away and it is time that you take a more decisive hand in directing your life.


To dream that you are in school, signifies feelings of inadequacy and childhood insecurities that have never been resolved. It may relate to anxieties about performance and abilities. You may also be going through a "spiritual learning" experience.

To see your childhood friend in your dream, signifies regression into your past where you had no responsibilities and things were much simpler and carefree. You may be wanting to escape the the pressures and stresses of adulthood.

To see or carry a backpack in your dream, represents the decisions and responsibilities that are weighing your down.

To see or eat pizza in your dream, represents abundance, choices, and variety. It may also indicate that you are lacking or feeling deprived of something.

To dream that you are waiting for a bus, indicates a temporary setback in achieving your personal goals.

To see a trailer in your dream, suggests that you are feeling overburdened. You are carry more weight on your shoulders than you need to.

To dream that you are hiding, suggests that you are keeping some secret or withholding some information. You may not be facing up to a situation or not want to deal with an issue. However, you may be getting ready to reveal and confess before somebody finds out


Interpret what some of my dreams mean please?classical music opera theater

It seems as though this ex-girlfriend of yours is taking too much space up in your mind...when a flood occurs it destroys mostly everything in its path and once its done, nothing is left...For whatever reason you and her broke up, might be because of something you did that you regret and that you wish you could take back...If this is the case, you probably did the macho thing and acted like the breakup didn't affect you so you wouldn't look less than a man in front of your boys...? That's why you seen the trailer with the hydrolics. Most young men are into that these days and it what makes them cool and hiding behind the garbage can means that you are ashamed to admit to your friends you might have screwed up and that you actually have gentle feelings....(My son 19, acts hard in front of his friends too). When you went to the ex's house and it was new was because she's moved on....and more than likely she already has another guy picked out and her family probably likes him more than they did you...The mall and theater means that you need to quit thinking of your ex go out enjoy yourself, and maybe you'll meet someone that you can start over with.
Dreams are a continuation of your waking thoughts. While asleep your subconscious is patching together images that evoke the same emotions you feel while awake.

If you dreamt these dreams in one night or in a succession of nights then it means that you have experienced something in your recent past that had you feeling overwhelmed.

In the first dream, the overwhelming situation was represented by the flood. You felt that the situation turned out to be nothing because it resolved itself on its own represented in the dream by everything being normal again.

In the second dream, the past overwhelming situation was represented by the feeling you got when you hugged your ex. Again you feel that the situation turned out to be nothing because "I thought I didn’t care anymore."

In the third dream, the past overwhelming situation was represented by you being in your old school with old friends and the jumping truck shows up threatening to 'crush' you if it jumped sideways.

In the fourth dream, the past ovewhelming situation is represented by your being in your ex's house with her family and friends who did not welcome you, it felt overwhelmingly awkward.

The overwhelming thing could also be represented by the mall and the darkened theatre you were entering before waking up.
Phew ok -

So first dream. Water is supposed to represent your mind soul, emotions . So if it is calm water, it means your in tune with your mind and soul. If the water is rough and horrible, it means you need to get in tune with your emotions. If the water is muddy - it means your wallowing in negative emotions. Floods usually mean you are overwhelmed with your emotions at the moment.

2nd dream - Dreaming of an ex-girlfriend means you are wishing back to a time when things were less complicated and you didn't have so many responsibilities. You need to recapture the excitement, freedom, and vitality of youth that is lacking in your present relationship.

It can sometimes mean when you dream about relationships, no matter whether if it is with your mum, you gran or your girlfriend - it means you are trying to confront something about that relationship that you won't confront when your awake. Dreaming about hugging a 'lover' means signifies guilt, accusations and doubts due to infedelity.

3rd dream - Dreaming about school means your brain is trying to remind you of a lesson you learnt at some point (not like maths or english but a 'life' lesson) and it might have some relevance to whats going on with you right now. It can also mean there's a lesson your supposed to be learning but you just ain't getting it.

4th dream - Again, something going on there with the ex. So it would seem you're feeling a little stressed at the moment. Maybe a fear of commiting when your just not ready? People hating you in a dream means either that you are forcing your opinions onto others or that you have a fear of confrontation with that someone or someone who is similar to that person.
Often water in our dreams represents our subconscious. Things we try to suppress deep in our minds will "well" up or "flood” our dreams. I found that out after several dreams about murky water full of scary monsters. After I addressed the thoughts I was repressing, the water became clear and the monsters became manatees and star fish. I think you have some hurt feelings about the break up that you've pushed down in order to forgive and move on. I also think you may be missing your old friends. But watch what happens in your dreams:

Things are almost normal, but also remarkably off base, like the jumping trailer. You find these oddities disconcerting and hide behind a bunch of garbage. How is that for a metaphor? To make yourself feel comfortable, did you make excuses for this girl, her family or yourself? If so, your subconscious is calling you out.

You see the same people, but get different reactions, acceptance/rejection. You cared about these people. Where did they go? Why are they gone? Are you are still working through this on a certain level? Our minds are both simple and complex. The deepest part of which, I believe is non-verbal. It communicates with you through images and feelings. You may understand logically why things changed, but emotionally, you might still feel conflicted.

Why are you carrying a pizza? This depends on how you felt about it. Were you embarrassed, or were you relived to be able to share something with your friends? How you feel changes the meaning.

Anyway, it may be time to break out some old photos and reminisce. Maybe you could write a letter about something that may have upset you, but DON'T send it. Maybe call up an old friend and reconnect. Go to a game or a movie.

---Of course, I could be wrong.

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