Saturday, December 5, 2009

Someone please help me with this semi-nightmare?

Okay first off PLEASE give me your own intuitive answer. Do NOT direct me to a 'dream interpretation site' that just wants my money.

I had a dream just now and it was pretty scary. I was in some high-class business-y place and the people there were pretty friendly but mostly superficial, just like how 99% of people are in the 'real world.'

ANYWAY... I stared out the window and looked at another building and then all of a sudden the building exploded! I heard screams of sheer terror and me and my family (I was with them) started to run out. I had to carry my grandmother, but she was pretty light. We then ended up at some movie theater place and everyone acted like nothing happened.

I admit, I was terrified at first but it's like I was so jaded that it didn't really bother me. I just KNEW that we were going to make it and live.

Also like the building didn't explode at first, like it was just set on fire for a few seconds.

Someone please help me with this semi-nightmare?star theater

This is weird because I had a similar dream. Except mine started in the movie theatre type place. A bomb went off. An old friend was there and said 'run!'. I got out with my two children and further bombs went off. Everytime a new bomb went off it was bigger then the last. My wife did not make it out alive.

In my case I do think this was foreshadowing towards family trouble as someone earlier had suggested for your dream. I have since seperated from my wife. Although I had wanted to 'save' my children, they are unfortunately still with her.

Someone please help me with this semi-nightmare?extension opera theater

do you work in a boring job? to me it just seems like you are unsatisfied with the status quo - that you are looking for more.
you love your family, hate yuppies and get too many news about terrorism.

Are you impling there is some other world where people aren't superficial?
Stop smoking crack cocaine before bed. You could blow out a heart valve. No seriously i dont dream stuff like that. I usually dream i am with britney spears or jessica alba but just as it starts getting good i wake up with my heart pounding and a woody. Then i slap myself in the face for being so stupid as to wake up. With a woody. When really if i had kept sleeping jessica or britney would have taken care of that problem for me.
I wonder if you feel like your losing control of some aspect of your family life...??
Since 9/11 we have had elevated terror threats nearly weekly. Every political speach makes some reference to terror, Look at the movies that have come out since 911, lots of disaster.

This makes us feel both responsible and helpless, and when emotions conflict we tend to get vivid dreams.

My feeling is your dream is a simple manifestation of how unsafe you view your world to be.

On 9/11 the Nation watched impotently unable to do anything to help. Since then, keeping us frightened seemed to be in the best interests of one political party.I

Perhaps your subconsious mind was telling your consious one to rethink the whole "terror" thing.

Good luck with this conflict.
"We dream what is about to happen" (Bailey)

There are cases of events which were forecast ahead of occurrence. Usually dream tell us and give us hints in advance. But mostly we do not understand.

There are various kinds of dream sometimes, we dream in an episode, sometimes meaningless, but some times we can not forget dream like yours.

Usually I do not answer straight but after reading your dream, I FEEL, you are safe by something bad because of your grandma. In short your troubles were saved by GRANDMOTHER.

One point advise* never talk about dream with those who do not understand it will give reverse impact.
Sounds like you would be happy in this world if everybody was your family. Unrealistic in 2006. Your grandma's views are lighter than yours. Remember what she said to you, how does that apply in your current day to day situation?

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