Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christian friends: Do you ever have nightmares, and do you think Christians should look at them diff

Personally I have the strangest dreams and wondered if other do to.

On Good Friday I was dreaming I was beach side in Mexico but hiding from the crew of a cruise ship I was on.

The crew chase me into a hotel were an old man offers me a secret passage. I kindly accept.

It leads me into a ball room-amp theater where a young kid was standing in front of me.

Suddenly 8 demons spring out of him and they start screaming at me in some language.

In a knee-jerk reaction,I start singing praises to God and they move away turning and screaming all the louder, they are looking and pointing at me, but then swiftly fly away, screaching as they go.

I wake myself up from the dream shaking like a leaf.

Dreams are pathways to the sub-conscious; I know, I read some Freud and dreams for dummies.

But ones like these seem a little beyond the normal nightmare of falling or drowning.

Thanks for reading and apologize for being long winded.

What are some thoughts?

Christian friends: Do you ever have nightmares, and do you think Christians should look at them differently?symphony

I think this is a fascinating dream, but am not qualified to give you an accurate interpretation ( too bad Daniel wasn't still around). You are obviously a heavy seeker of Christ and as such you should also seek a good, solid spiritual director that will be able to help you on your journey and also with troubling dreams and the like.

God Bless you and don't forget that fear is of the devil. My rule of thumb is... if it instills fear in me, it's not of God... keeping in mind the true meaning of fear. Fear is the opposite of trust in God (faith). It's usually a pretty good guide for me.

Christian friends: Do you ever have nightmares, and do you think Christians should look at them differently?performing arts center opera theater

Dreams are usually based on memories, sometimes our own, sometimes ones of TV and stuff.

Last night I dreamed about doing some weird mission using a sonic screwdriver.

Though God occasionally used dreams to communicate with his people, I don't think we should take them in general as meaning anything.
Hahahahaha The Little boy is gonna rape you Boooo
Did you know that your ears are a direct pathway to the Thalamus? And that it bypasses your frontal lobe? It is in your frontal lobe that you possess all of you defenses! I think that you kneed to research your Bible a lot more then you are doing and stop with the movies and TV and the secular music, and get on your knees and have a long talk with God.

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