Saturday, December 5, 2009

Me and Bri's Roleplay?

This is Bri and my Roleplay! I wanted to post it and see what people thought of it!

I will have to post it in parts because it is too big to put all on one question.

Sakura High School. An average school at best. Nothing exciting happens, you go to school, you go through classes, and you return home. But one day, school days were never the same again. One day a foreign student from England came. Soon the halls of the dull school were flooded with gossip and in no time rumors were made about this foreign hottie. ”Some say that he was in theater and likes to dress up.” I heard a girl whisper to her friend while they walked side by side down the hall. ”I also heard that he has the cutest accent! And he wears these really cool cloaks and things, he also has a mascarade mask in his locker,” the other girl added. I had always loved British accents ever since I heard my Aunt’s. I adored watching plays in a big theater ever since I went to see the wizard of oz on stage as a kid. I was mesmerized by the rumors. I would day dream about what he looked like everyday. But nothing was ever close to how cute he looked in person. When I finally saw him in the hall he turned and smiled at me and said “hey there,” to me as he passed. It was almost like he was waiting to meet me too. He was so cute in his red velvet cloak and his hair swept back in a ponytail and his eyes. They were a luminous green that shimmered in the light. The rumors were true! He was cute and he had a beautiful British accent. He even wore cloaks, even though you were supposed to wear a school uniform. I was in love. I had to meet him again. I wanted to ask him if he really played in theaters like the rumors claimed. I went through school waiting for him to pass me in the hall or appear in one of my classes. I waited and waited and waited. Everyday I searched, and waited, but he was no where. Did he leave already? He couldn’t have! I had only seen him once. Just as this thought passed through my mind I saw him pass me in the hall! He wore the same cloak he did when we first met. He stared me in the eye and said,” Hi!” I knew I would not get this chance again. I had to catch him now. He grinned at me,” Yes what is it?” he said. I had him, I finally could ask him. I was tense, afraid of what he would say. I had been so eager to meet him that I didn’t know what to say now that I finally saw him. “Ummmm….I just wanted to welcome you to the school. Since your new and all!” I said as I grinned nervously.” Why thank you. I am flattered, my name is Katsuya!” he said with a smile on his face. “Mine is Namine!” I replied, gazing into his dreamy green eyes. “That’s a cute name. Here these are for you.” He said as he pulled out a bouquet of roses from behind his back. “Thank you for the warm welcome, Namine.” He smiled and turned away. I watched as he disappeared in the crowd. Where did he get the bouquet from though? I didn’t see it behind his back before. Maybe he was a magician and a good one at that! I inhaled the sweet smell of roses and walked to my next class with only one thing on my mind. Katsuya!

I walked into my next class and sat down dreaming about Katsuya. I was also listening to attendance, and then I heard it! “Katsuya?” “Here.” I started to freak out! I got so excited! I thought to myself “we must be on the same team….which means we have more classes together! This means I will see him more! EP!” but that “EP” was out loud and everyone was laughing, except for my teacher, Mr. Carter. He got really mad and his face got really red…kind of like a crab! Ha-ha!

Katsuya just smiled at me and winked. Kind of like he could read my mind. I blushed even harder than Mr. Carter. After leaving class I heard him call from behind. My name chimed like a bell when he said it. I stopped and waited for him to catch up. I looked back at him; his cape flowed in the breeze as he walked toward me. “I see fate has brought us together once again.” He said as he walked along side me.

I started to laugh retardedly….OMG….I was laughing retardedly! Then I blushed so hard it looked like I was having a heart attack.

He just smiled at me kindly. Then he put out his hand, closed it and when he snapped his finger a cherry blossom appeared. He handed it to me and said,” For good luck!” This time I noticed that his accent wasn’t British; it was an accent I hadn’t heard before. It was magical!

“Your….Your accent is beautiful! But it’s not like anything I have ever heard! Uh but I like it….I think I should stop talking!”” Don’t stop! Your voice is lovely!” he said with a huge grin. “Wah?!” blushing like crazy and laughing hysterically, that’s all I managed to say. Then in the blink of an eye, he was gone. Frantically thinking, I was wondering where he went, why he left, and how he vanished out of thin air. The bell rang! I was late for class AH! I ran to my next class.

I didn’t see Katsuya much the rest of the day, until school let out. I got to my locker to find a little note with a Sakura petal next to it. I knew it was from Katsuya. I opened the envelope and found yet another rose, with petals around it. It didn’t say anything but I couldn’t get the thought of what kind of accent it was that Katsuya had. It was very close to American, yet you could tell it wasn’t.

I went home lost in thought about his accent that I didn’t even notice my parents. They were asking where I got all the flowers from. My dad has never liked the fact that I am old enough to date and that boys liked me….but don’t all dads! My mom, though, was a whole other story. She would point out cute boys and we would laugh and go shopping for things. She was just like my best friend! So later that night I told her everything and she was soooo happy!

Back at school I met Katsuya in my first class. Anxious to get answers. I didn’t waste any time and asked the questions the instant he sat down next to me.

“So what kind of accent do you have?” I asked anxiously.

He was shocked and ashamed that it came up, but then he just smiled with his gentle smile and said mysteriously, “It’s a secret.”

“But…..I am a good secret keeper! YOU CAN TRUST ME!!!”

“Um…. I’m sorry but it’s more than just a little thing! Not that I don’t trust you but it’s just….” He thought for a minute as I waited impatiently. “I’ll tell you when the time comes.” He held out his hand, flicked his wrist and made a single rose appeared. “I promise.” He said gently as he handed the flower to me.

“…….Thanks……I’m sorry when I think about something I kinda freak out….sorry I’m curious but I will be determined to wait for that answer!” Katsuya just looked at me with a friendly smile. ”I will definitely tell you when I get to know you better.”

“Well, I would say we know each other pretty well for only meeting a couple of days ago.” I wondered how he could smile like that for so long. He looks so lonesome when I see him in the halls and in class, he seems like he never smiles, but he can smile for what seems like forever whenever we’re together. He’s so mysterious.” You’re so mysterious!” I repeated out loud. Katsuya just laughed and continued to smile.

“But….” I said. “But what?” said Katsuya oddly. “But that’s what I like about you! I like how mysterious you are. I like THAT about you!” All he did after that was blush and smile his gentle smile. Its soooo cute….he is soooo cute! I wonder…..I wonder if he likes me too as much as I like him!

~Ring, Ring~ The bell chimed, school was finally over. But today I didn’t want it to end. I felt like I had really gotten to know Katsuya better. And right as I turned away from my locker to leave, he magically appeared in front of me. “Hey Namine, I was wondering if you would like to walk home with me. I would like to show you something!” he asked eagerly. He was gleaming as he usually is when he greets me.

“So do you want to walk by my house? I can introduce you to my mom and my dad, who doesn’t like me hanging out with boys, won’t be home!” ”Um sure, but I want to show you something first k?!” he asked politely. “Ok that sounds good!” I said wide eyed and eager. “Well here I have my cell phone on me so I will call my mom and tell her I will be back later.” “It’s ok. We’re not going far!” Katsuya said kinda nervous thinking maybe I was uncomfortable with going. “Ok! Then let’s go.” I said smiling.

Katsuya took my hand and we walked for what seemed like the dreamiest walk I have ever gone on. We talked and talked abut the littlest things. He didn’t say much but he always had that smile that seemed to say a million words. We approached a big, well kept lawn with flowers along a path that lead to a big porch. It looked like a Wizards house, kinda old fashion but modern, and magical. “This is where I’m staying, come on I’ll show you my room!” Katsuya lead me through the hallway and into a smallish room that had all sorts of books written in gibberish, like another language almost. There were also many Sakura flowers, not that I was surprised. Then Katsuya went over to his closet, crouched down, and put something under his cloak. He got up, walked toward me and pulled away the cloak to reveal a black cat with a cute collar. “I would like you to meet Nyame!” he said introducing me to his feline friend.

“AWWWWWWWWW Nyame is soooo cute!!!!!! How long have you had her? How old is she? She is too adorable…..kinda like something else.” I blushed referring to him.

“Um well for one thing, Nyame is a guy!” he said and laughed a little.

“OMG! I am soooo sorry! Hahahahaha.” I said nervously.

“Hehe, well Nyame is a special cat; he’s more than a cat if ya know what I mean!” He winked at me. “Oh, wait here one minute.” He asked me as he left me in his room while he went to get something. A portal opened from the far wall and a strange guy walked into Katsuya’s room. He looked at me and sneered,” Well, well, well, I’ve never seen you before, you Katsuya’s new girlfriend, you’ll do perfectly.” The guy snickered and he snatched me up and took me into the portal. When we exited we were in a weird world, it was like a forest. What was happening, who is this guy!? How does he know Katsuya!? Where was I!!!!!?

“AH! Where are we? I am not Katsuya’s girlfriend. Who are you? WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?! I said gasping for air.

He sat me down on the grass. He put his hands out and a glowing orb in front of his hands strung a weird magical glowing rope around me.” That should do it, this should lead Katsuya straight here!” he said ignoring me.

I repeated what I said again but louder and kinda sobbing this time.” WHERE AM I? ARE YOU GOING TO HURT ME? WHO ARE YOU? ARE YOU GOING TO HURT KATSUYA? WHERE IS KATSUYA? AND WHAT ARE YOU????”

He looked over at me,” Well you aren’t a bright one are you? We’re in the dimension of Diasaki. This is the forest of truth. I will not hurt you unless necessary, I am trying to lore Katsuya in so I can kill him. And I am the almighty Ai.” He replied all knowingly.

“Ok, for one, I am…as you people say…I think…mortal. And why are you trying to kill Katsuya? One more time where are we?!?!?!” I said mumbling the first part because I wasn’t quite sure what I was saying.

Ai looked at me funny and then started to laugh hysterically.” Katsuya’s interested in a girl like you? HAHAHAHA!” He then leaned in toward me and gently grabbed my chin and tilted it toward him.” I’m better than that pretty boy! Why don’t you go out with me instead? I’m much more talented!” he said softly and persuasively.

“But…you aren’t him….he is sweet, kind, and mysterious and you…you kidnapped me! Why would I ever….go…out….with YOU!” I said chocking out the last words.

Ai then let go of my chin and stood up. He was furious now. He charged a laser beam and aimed it right for me.” How dare you defy me like that!!!!!!?” Just as he released the laser beam, Katsuya teleported in front of me and made a shield!!! I couldn’t believe it! Katsuya came to save me!

“Katsuya!!!! You came…..for…!” I said with tears in my eyes. “And…you saved me!!!!! Thank you!!” now I was sobbing uncontrollably.

Me and Bri's Roleplay?performing arts

Dude, it's way too long, and how the heck you can fit all those words without Adding Details???


Ah well, I like story based on anime/manga, so I'll read it and come back after I'm done.^^


Dang, it's such a great story...^^

I laugh couple of times, mostly when the girl (forgot her name) was embarrassed. I also kinda covered my face with my hand and say "Oh gee...." XD

God, it's such a great story, and it's quite descriptive, as if you are her, and it's not too descriptive to bored people. It's nice and sweet and peaceful, yet it's quite mysterious. Yes, when I finish reading everything, it kept me wondering what will happen next, and as well as other questions I wanted to ask.

Keep your great work up! A mix of fantasy, action, and adventure are like the best! %26gt;:D

Great great job! ^_^

If I have to rate it, it'll be 9.9 over 10. Well, the reason that you lost 0.1 point is grammar and spelling errors, but it doesn't interfere much during the reading. ^_~

Finish your story too! =D

Also, get some pictures of them. And I don't mind if it's really long. =)

Me and Bri's Roleplay?binoculars opera theater

It's good but a bit long, then again it probably wouldn't be that interesting if it was a short story. Oh and when Ai kidnapped her it should be lure not lore. Lore is mythology, legend, etc. while lure is what you meant.
It's very interesting so far.

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