Saturday, December 5, 2009

What? "Wild Hogs" was number one at the Box Office this weekend?

Don't Americans care anymore about a quality theater-going experience and therefore are willing to spend their hard-earned money for useless, idiotic drivel like that?

Isn't the theater-going public being duped by Hollywood who puts in big name stars like Travolta, Macy, Lawrence, Allen (and gives them a big payday) to attract an audience to a movie that is as forgettable as last night's bad dream?

What? "Wild Hogs" was number one at the Box Office this weekend?globe theater

Ok. This movie is NOT quality entertainment. But I agree that the job of movies is to take you away from everyday life for a couple of hours. If this movie does that for you, then it has succeeded. But DONT call it quality.

What? "Wild Hogs" was number one at the Box Office this weekend?oper opera theater

seriously, but there are a lot of middled age men out there, and motorcycles intrigue them
never heard of it. maybe it was number one because there was nothing else good out there.
I am really so sorry to hear about your woes.
I think wild hogs will be remembered as one of the greatest movies of all time. Seriously its probably doing well not only b/c of the stars in it, but b/c it is marketable to a cross section of people. Martin Lawrence being in it will get blacks to go see it also.
I would much rather pay for "idiotic drivel" that takes my mind off of the problems we see on the news every day, than some socially-concious movie. I recently saw Syriana with George Clooney- afterwards I was like, "Thanks, yeah, like I didn't know there are people in the US getting rich over oil in the Middle East."

I WANT to go and see silliness and laugh. It is MY hard-earned money, and I will spend it however I please. Thank you very much.
I don't see any harm in a movie that is out to make people laugh. I know I'd rather see a funny movie than a movie that is scary or full of violence. Maybe you should go see might enjoy a few laughs.
If you follow the box office, most number one movies are drivel. "Nobody ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people." - H. L. Mencken
You have a lot of nerve to ask that question here. What exactly do you think quality entertainment is.........Look at what kind of society we have become thanks to the internet.
I heard someone refer to it as a "crowdpleaser." I think that's true. It appeals to people who just want a little diversion. It won't appeal to the art crowd. That said, I think there's room for something like "Wild Hogs" in the landscape. I love artsy films as much (or more) than the next guy, but sometimes it's fun just to enjoy some harmless fluff.
We go to movies to be entertained for a couple hours. I'm sure they didn't make this movie thinking it will win an academy award.

I went and saw Wild Hogs this weekend and loved it!!!! I laughed through the whole movie. I haven't seen anything that funny since "Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou".

My favorite movies are dramatic, but sometime you just need a good laugh and Disney always delivers.

It was well worth the money I spend and I may even see it again, and will buy the movie when it comes out on DVD.

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