Thursday, December 10, 2009

What do you think this means?

I had a dream where at first I was in a theater with people I went to college with putting on a play. Then I had to go cheerleading try outs like I was in high school. I knew I wasn't the cheerleader type (skill wise) but for some reason it was like I was forced to go. I filled out the paperwork and when the coach talked to me, I said that I would maybe have to drop out because I had a bad sinus infection (which wasn't true. I was sick, but not horribly). I sat there and watched all these athletes do their thing and it was crazy. They had the cheerleaders run up a flight of stairs and backflip from this ledge (which I wouldn't and couldn't do).All I knew is that it wasn't for me and I wanted to leave. So I told the coach I wanted to leave because I was sick and she said ok. Then this girl came out and yelled at me for quitting without really trying. She said she would have respected me if I gave it my all and failed, but she didn't want anything to do with me. What does it mean?

What do you think this means?opera sheet music

Trying new things may be unsettling to you.

What do you think this means?shows opera theater

Dreams are often a reflection of what's going on in our waking life. The theme of this dream is that you felt forced to do something you didn't feel comfortable doing, you were dishonest to get out of it, and then you felt judged for backing out.

This dream might mean you are feeling pressured to do something you don't want to do or don't feel capable of doing.
Perhaps your feeling inferior. Your self-concious and your not willing to try something new or do something to get attention. You sit there and try to be invisible, try not to get noticed. The girl running out in your dreams yelling that she didnt want anything to do with you, could be a reflection of you. You want to try something, you want to be audacious and heard, respected and noticed, but your either to shy, or you just dont have the guts. The cheerleaders doing their thing while your watching, is you KNOWING you could do this if you tried, if you learned out, you dont respect yourself because you know your limits and your not pushing them.

I dont know how to explain this, I hope this gets what I am trying to say across lol

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