Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why do samuel L. Jacksons movies suck?

Ok lets be honost here, Samuel L jackson most definetly forgot what acting is , because his movies are the equivalent of a turd floating in the toilet, at the local corner store. I really feel bad for a young boy sitting in a movie theater, building up emotions of dreams and desires watching this guy on screen. He obviously doesnt see it yet, but hes heading for a pretty rude awakening.

Why do samuel L. Jacksons movies suck?city opera

Why did Tom Hanks have a poor showing in "The Da Vinci Code" and "The Terminal?"

Why did Tom Cruise get bad reviews in "War of the Worlds" and "Mission Impossible III?"

Why did Julia Roberts have a poor showing in the movies: "Closer," "The Mexican," and "America's Sweetheart?"

Sooner or later, most top billed celebrities are going to have a movie that receives poor reviews occasionally, and possibly experience a dry spell of making good movies like Tom Hanks.

However, for the most part all of the above celebrities have had more movie success instead of failure and they are not in the category of Rick Moranis, Rob Schneider, or Pauly Shore.

As far as Samuel L. Jackson is concerned, he is the highest grossing box office celebrity to date, and most of his movies have turned a box-office profit, as well as all of the celebrities above.

As a result, I'm sure that the Hollywood studio executives in charge of casting are not concerned with the ratings as long as they are making a box office profit. Also, as long as the dedicated followers of these fans are satisfied, they have done an adequate job to satisfy their audience.

I bet you would like to have even 1% or 2% of what Samuel L. is making in salary and 1/2% of what one of his movies grosses in salary, even if it isn't considered a good plot wouldn't you?

Try not to be so critical and see the bigger picture. Most people fail at some things sooner or later, but as long as the successes outweigh the failures, there's no need to get discouraged and give up.

I'm proud of Samuel L. Jackson and think he's very talented.

Why do samuel L. Jacksons movies suck?performing shows opera theater

samuel l. jackson is a terrific actor.but he should not have chose 'snakes on a plane'
Maybe that's YOUR opinion. I'm quite sure that many disagree with you.
because he doesn't you just won't admit it

A word to the wise form your friend Pennywise
He's been great since he was 16 in Apocalypse Now and Pee Wee's Playhouse as Cowboy Curtis
Awww you're just jealous how cute...Well he does have his pick of some really bad roles...some movies suck cause they are just bad plots and all round ideas...this does not mean Samuel L. Jackson sucks or his acting. Take a look he's been in many of the higher grossing films these last few years...sometimes yes he's typecast but that's not his fault he so good at playing the angry black man....though there are many of him playing a softer gentler role...check all his movies out before ya diss the man. FRANK THE GUY ABOVE ME!!! THAT WAS NOT SAMUEL L. JACKSON....SAY IT WITH ME LAURENCE FISHBURNE, HE WAS COWBOY CURTIS!
I agree..I don't think he's a bad actor but he does lack a certain amount of long as he plays a certain type of character he's fine..he also seems to be making a lot of bad choices in the movies he appears in. I would also suggest that he would be better as part of an ensemble cast rather then being the star, he doesn't have the talent to hold up a movie on his own
i liked him in a time to kill
There's a popular saying in Hollywood, or the film industry, and that is, "Work is work". Take almost any job you can because you don't know WHEN the next job is gonna happen. Even Michael Caine has admitted to doing many bad films in his time.

As great an actor as Sam Jackson is, he does not get paid as much as the others. Maybe that's why he accepts to take on as many projects as he can.

Also, it's hard to determine just by reading a script, how the finished product will turn out. Mr. Jackson may have been intrigued by what he read, and took a chance.

And finally, a film is a GROUP effort. An actor may attract audiences to buy tickets, for the first weekend of release, but all the other elements, such as story, cinematography, music, pacing, etc. will ensure that the seats are filled during future screenings. To blame Sam Jackson solely for the quality of the film is somewhat premature.

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