Saturday, December 5, 2009

Which audition song?

I'm 13 and I'm trying out for Sound of Music at a community theater. I'm trying to decide which song to sing for the audition. Oh, I can sing really low, and kind of high. these are my choices:

1. "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables

2. "On My Own" from Les Miserables

3. "Memory" from Cats

4. "Far from the Home I Love" from Fiddler on the roof.

I have the piano music for the first three and a CD for the 4th one. Please tell me which one I should do or if you think I should do something different. but please try to stick with the ones listed.


Which audition song?sunshine

I think this depends on which part you are trying out for. If you are trying out for the chorus, the one you sing best would be a good choice. Only do songs you can do with piano. Ideally you should learn "I am Sixteen Going on Seventeen"..although it is a duet, in community theatre it might be a part that you could get or maybe one of the other children, depending on the age range in the theatre group. It's also a pretty easy song to learn and you can get the music on-line. Another good choice would be "My Favorite Things." I think "Memory" is way over auditioned and "On My Own" is only good if you can REALLY sing it well. I personally love "I Dreamed a Dream," but it is also used a lot. Knowing songs from the stage musical you are auditioning for and being familiar with the characters in the stage musical (not the movie) are important. If you can't do a song from the show, at least do a song from the period. You also may have to dance. If they don't allow you to sing the whole song , chose the part that best shows your range and your acting. Most importantly know what you are singing, sing with feeling and don't add a lot of grace notes (i.e. American Idol). Break a leg!

Which audition song?star theater opera theater

Strawberry Fields by the Beatles......

Memories from Cats
Memory - it's a very haunting song. I Luv it.
On My Own is a classic. I have done alot of HS and Community theatre with some Broadway background. I have done alot of onstage and behind the scenes to. That song if done correctly will get you cast definitely. it shows off a great alto range( wich is i think what you are explaining that you have). Go with piano most definitley. Directors like to see pure voice talent. try and get the movie or script and practice a dry read. If cast that's what is going to be done for audition process. Break a leg!
As a director, I'm looking for three things in a vocal audition:

The first is whether the auditioner knows what s/he is singing about, and not just hitting notes or doing vocal gymnastics ("American Idol" has a lot to answer for in this department)..

The second is whether the singer can sing the song properly -- that is, to hit all the notes as written. Stephen Sondheim has been known to ask singers to sing a cappella to see if they can sing the song rather than "style it."

The third is suitability of the material. Is this a good choice for that singer and that role?

Now, with all that, it's up to you to figure out which of those songs meets those criteria. I will say that, personally, I'm sick to death of hearing "Memory" and that the two "Les Miz" songs seem too long (which is an important factor is they're going to limit how many bars you get). I'd favor "Far From the Home . . ." in that it's simple, not overdone, from roughly the same period as "Sound of Music" (which would show me if you can handle more "standard/classic" material), and requires a bit more from you in the acting department (the other three let the song do a lot of the acting for you).

In future, you might want to expand your repertoire to include less current/modern material, and numbers that aren't done so much (of course, those are always difficult to find).

Regardless, good luck and have fun.
Which song fits your range best? I am always of the belief that you should pick something that you are most comfortable with, that is most honest to you and that. Pick the one that shows off the BEST part of your range and doesn't strain your voice. Break a leg!
Wow, you got some really good answers to your question here. Can't add to it, just reinforce:

No "Memories".

Something well within your range from the sound of music would be the best.

Don't do the american idol diva thing., (grace notes).

Good Luck!
number 2 is good for your age but castles on a cloud is better

for your age. stay away from memory
It depends on where you live! We are doing that show at the community theatre here and I was going to sing "Far from the Home I Love" if I auditioned. If you are singing the same thing at the same theatre then I may need to re-think things.

****Then go with "Far From the Home I Love." It isn't done very often and it really does show a good vocal range. I'm in Oregon so I have no worries.
Use a song that you do well.
I would suggest singing a song from the actuall thing

"The Sound Of Music" sing a song which was sung by the charactor you want to play - put your on ring to it to show them that you can inturparte it into your own voice and own feeling whislt singing it

if you audition for something , i have found that auditing with like a song or scene from the actual play with your own ring to it gets you a good thumbs up...
I really think you should sing something in the show. Sixteen going on seventeen is great because it shows range and it seems to be right in your range. I was just in the play and if you get in, it will definately be a great experience. Good Luck!
#4 thats a great song!!
If you're confident singing on your own then Memory is a very good song to show range, but if you're not so strong alone use the one with the CD. It is still a very good song and shows range pretty well, also it is pretty well known, but it may impress the musical director more if you can show control of a song without any music.

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