Thursday, December 10, 2009

POLL: Based on these 2 obvious signs am i a psychic?

4 days ago i had a dream that i went to an old movie theater in my town and I was going there for the last time before they closed....2 days later, i heard they were closing for good.

Last night i had a dream i had an ear infection, today i woke up with one....

coincidence? i think not, gimmie you're palm i'll tell you your future.

POLL: Based on these 2 obvious signs am i a psychic?opera mobile

i see myself in your pants. oly out.

POLL: Based on these 2 obvious signs am i a psychic?imax theatre opera theater

just tell me where I lost my glasses 2 weeks ago
no I don't think your a phychic sorry.. most people have things happen to them like that....

but hey good luck
*sticks out my hand*

please give me some good news.....?
Yes, you obviously posses great power. Now call Miss Cleo %26amp; see if she's hiring.
ok, whatcha got? %26lt;sticks out hand%26gt;
I've never doubted you.

Can you tell me what's for lunch?
here...*sticking out hand**...when will I get laid again?...

**waving a fistfull of cash...looking down for Karen**....where the heck is she?....
I truly believe you are a psychic.

Can you read into my dream and intepret what it means:

I was in a sword fight with Victoria Beckham (we were using baguettes) when the floor gave way and I fell into a pit of banana milkshake. Thrashing around in there was a dinosaur who told me that my tax return was late and I might lose an earring.

I climbed out of the pit and found three potatoes only one of which was the right colour. After being chased by a gorilla named Baxter for a half mile, I ate a meatball sandwich and then woke up.

What does it mean - I am worried I am going to become bald??
would you believe my mom and i had the same dream the same night? that we were fighting? i'm more of a psychic then you. although i am impressed that you can spell the word "psychic" because i had to cut and paste it. its one of those words that i have trouble spelling.
*sticks out palm*.....don't worry it's just mayonnaise
Can you just tell me what this sore is on my crotch?

LOL =)
Sounds like you are very in tune with yourself.....

Any good news....? I've had enough of the other stuff....

I have a trip coming up.... but not one I planned... will it go well?

Here ya go...... can you give me a diagnosis on my arm while you're at it. I need a two for one special!
its just a case of parapsychology
Am I getting fired today...........?
I could use some good news.
si. la psychica is strong within you. may la force be with you. (todays language of the day is spanish)
You have a gift, mama.
Tell me what you see, oh great seer.
good 4 u could turn into a second income
You should know what I originally was going say in this answer.

Is he too good to be true? Mornin love. ?
A palm reader once look at my hand and then shuddered. he got nervous and something about me being powerful.
Are we getting a blizzard will my flight be cancelled will the clinic call back soon am I going to get a machine gun and kill everyone if we get a foot of snow tonight?
Wow,that is crazy;)

Here's my palm for you~Please be gentle;)
How much do I owe for my San Diego Gas and Electric bill?
Clearly the ear infection thing was subliminal, but you blew me away with the movie theater thing!

Can you tell me when my man's ex will drop off the face of the earth! p-p-p-p-please?!?!

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