Thursday, December 10, 2009


What does my dream mean ive had it a couple times but in diff. senarios but with the same guy:

the last one was about this guy (we used to have a thing but it ended, we still talk like a lot though but idk) and we went to the mall together and made out in the theater(why idk) and his girlfriend called him and then he broke up with her and we started going out but like i remeber in the dream there being like obvious shapes like spirals and circles like in normal things like spiral staircases %26amp; hallways and like circle chairs and cars...........what does it all mean someone help i am so like stunned right now

Dreams????soap opera

Sounds like he is still on your mind you are not over him yet...and he is coming to you in your dreams...but, another thing could be, has this person this ex, been talking with you, acting different in anyway that could make you think he still is into you.....your subconscious might be telling you he wants you back, or you want him back, which the latter seems the best to me, seeing as you are dreaming about a girlfriend in his life too that broke up with just would have alot to do with how long have you two been broke up, and is he giving you mixxed signals, or you to him, spiral staircase means, things are moving, forward or backward depending on the situation, and the hallway, means length,, I suggest you take a look at how you feel about this guy and see if he is still on your mind more than a friend, and take a look at him too without him knowing and see what signals he's sending you...dreams have a way of bringing out what we want, or things that arn't resolved in our lives...maybe you just need closure with him...hope it works out, and this helps, if I had a little more detail, I could help you more...

Dreams????city opera opera theater

sounds like you are attracted to him but he thinks of you as his sister
i'm normally not a dream interpreter, but do you still like this dude?maybe its a sign that you should get back together.

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