Thursday, December 10, 2009

What does dreaming of running in a tunnel mean?

I had a weird dream last night and the most predominant feature was me running. I was going from the island of Lanai (in Hawaii) and running through a really long underwater tunnel, back to Oahu. (I live on Oahu). I was not afraid of anything, but I remember running and feeling a high, like the endorphins you get when you exercise. The tunnel was lit up and normally had a train running through it, but some reason I wanted to run --I don't know why. I ended up making it all the way back through and into the main center back on land which was in a movie theater. I also remember going UP stairs through an exit to get out. People didn't realize I had run the entire distance, which probably was 30 miles (in the dream anyway). I had a feeling of accomplishment, but I also was really out of breath and in disbelief. I was running as fast as I could, almost like I was running from something, but I wasn't afraid. And then I woke up -- what does this mean?

What does dreaming of running in a tunnel mean?opera singer

Dreaming of running competitively should be distinguished from dreams which have you running to or from something. If you are simply running with no goal, it may be an indication that you need to slow down in your every day life. If you are competing, you need to consider your recent rivalries and realistically look at the current challenges. If you are running in a race and win, your unconscious may be expressing confidence that you may or may not feel in the wakened state. Running in your dreams may also symbolize the energy levels, the strength, or the force that you have to get through life.

What does dreaming of running in a tunnel mean?amc theater opera theater

Isnt a tunnel a symbol for a ladys parts?

Have you just got into a new relationship perhaps?
I'm not a dream expert, but I would interpert yours to mean you're on the right track even if you don't think you are when you're conscoius. In my opinion, most dream "meanings" come from the feeling you have upon waking. You seem to feel proud and fulfilled.

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