Saturday, December 5, 2009

Does any1 my age now wat im talkin about?

i am 14 years old and i am a amature director, 3d animator, and cinimotographer, i use final cut pro, shake animator, and a hd camera, i am making a horror film thats goin to be sent in to a film festival .and if i win i get a producer to come out and see iff he wants to make it a real movie,like in theaters real, wich would be my dream to have my name in the credits of a real movie, but i was wonderin if any1 my age could give me some camera tricks on the killing seens

Does any1 my age now wat im talkin about?mr messed up

Keep the killer hidden until he strikes. Don't even let the audience know that the killer's near. Surprise killings are best.

Some eerie music might be fitting, though. Try making the victim look behind them or something, checking in the shadows when they think they hear something, then cut off the music. Then, when the victim thinks it's all safe, strike.

Yes, it's an overused strategy, but it works. And that's exactly why it's used so much.

Does any1 my age now wat im talkin about?getting late opera theater

YAY! Homework! : Watch alot of horror films and keep a sharp eye for camera techniques you thought were cool and your able to do and use 'em!

I got my inpiration from M. Night Shyamalan on some of my shots but I did have to make it mine and put my own in there.
Oh quit it.

There are no 14 year olds on here that even have a clue what your talking about, Let alone can provide advice, Or even care.

Pay attention and develop your own technique.
hey im 14 and i know what hes talking boaut i understand most tech lingo for one im a computer wiz. als surprises are good and also wen the kilers gonna strike you can like aim the camera the grounf where the victims gonna falla and when you hear the shriek the person will fall and the camera will be there.... idk it sound kinda cool to me.
most effective strategy are closeups during suspensful moments with dark backgrounds to give the effect of the audience and actor/actress not being able to fully see his/her surroundings. And it also creates a nasty surprise when he/she turns around and the bringer of their demise is staring them in the face...
hey im 13 and a great score always helps, i find that using a dolly for some shots in horrors to go back and reveal something is very supenseful. Use proper movie lights, or at least par 48's so there is no yellow tinge to the final product, always keep white balance consistent, and any good horror starts on a high and just keeps getting higher.

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