Saturday, December 5, 2009

Something weird?

Okay well i had this bizarre dream i dont if anyone can explain it but its weird! The night i had this dream i had just finished a clique book and the main character name is Massie:

Well I was going on an airplane and like at the movies theater there was a snack bar where you buy snacks and we were going to go in our airplane then suddenly she morphed into one of Best friend named carly the carly turned inviible and i didnt notice so i kept walking into my plane when i got in there it looked exactly like a movie theature but it had no roof and there was grey pipes above it. So then i saw my 2 friends brittney and cydeny they told me it funner if you hang onto the wall instead of sitting down and we would hold the light switches as handles. Then my two 4th grade teachers (its was a combo teacher class) were the pilots. When we took off i was screaming b/c i was so scrared that i was going to fall off and it so scary then i ran to my seat and i sat by this guy and he threw up on me.I wo

Something weird?pacific theater

If nothing else, your sure do have an active mind,,, ;%26lt;)

Something weird?phantom of the opera opera theater

That is weird! Did the book have any relation to your real life?
no significant meanings

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