Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do i get people to notice my talent?

okay im not trying to brag or be concided but i do have a good voice an i love to sing its my thing its my passion i love it absoulutley love it i could sing all day an im not that bad my dream has always been to become a singer an a actress im in theater arts an drama club but i want to go to hollywood i wanna be in the magazines i want to have my own c-d but i live in texas not in la, california or anything how do i get famous????

How do i get people to notice my talent?getting late

first off start practicing

sing everyday ask your friends if you can carry a tune

go in local talent shows or shows

talk to your parents about it

maybe they can help

look for auditions around you

and sonner or later your famous

i hope this works!

wish you luck

How do i get people to notice my talent?regal theater opera theater

Everyone starts somewhere look at J-LO she started as a dancer on a evening comedy show if you have talent it will show and the right people will find you...Just do as much as you can in local theatres and events, enter contests or just ask a local club to give you a shot at singing in there club at no charge...Remember it takes hard work and dedication to become anything in this life...I`m in the early stages of being a independent filmmaker and believe me i know how hard it is to start from nowhere...Good Luck
Just take little steps, audition for things, take lessons and enhance your naturally good voice. Keep singing, its waht you love and its important to keep doing what you love! :) Plus, i live in california and im not famous yet either haha

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