Thursday, December 10, 2009

How do i become a star?

I love singing and stage. I've just moved to sydney and m studying music. I have always dream of doing musicals and theater. Problem is I dunno where n who to go too. Love challenges. Would love singing with bands. But how do singers get invited to sing with a band? I love challenges in singing new songs. I do compose but not lyrical pieces. more of instrumental. and I do play other instruments; piano, violin, clarinet, guitar(a little). But would prefer doing singing instead of the instruments. So? (=

How do i become a star?ballet theater


You have to meet as many people as you can that write and perform music and increase your musical network. This way you increase the likelyhood of someone saying, "hey remember that singer we met? she was pretty good, -lets ask her if she's interested in collaborating on our next song." You never know who's gonna make it big either so the more people you know that are involved in music the more likely you are to one day have a connection thats made the big time and remembers you.

Also perform live as often as you can and in front of as many people as you can- even if its just a local bar you never know whos listening and you might impress someone important.

Basically, get involved in a big way and be prepared to put in the hard work and it'll pay off.

Do you have any examples of your work or any demo material? Thats also very useful- never leave the house without a CD of your work cos you might bump into the right person and kick yourself for not having one!

How do i become a star?chicago theater opera theaterTo start performing in bars/clubs etc... the best thing to do would be to get a demo CD, (if you don't already). Go round your local venues that put on live events and tell them you're looking to do some gigs and hand them a copy of your demo. The worst they can say is no :-) Report It

also hang around clubs/bars %26amp; meet some bands. If they're gigging then they'll know the promoters who arrange club nights-contacts! For a reliable mic save 锟?0 and get a "sure SM58" its an industry standard live vocal mic. Report It

Audition for American Idol. It seems to be the present day gateway to Musical stardom now. You do not even need to win the competition to be a star.
scan the boards like craigslist for bands seeking musicians/singers and find your self some auditions.

or even better. start your own band.
maybe start with finding some proper music shops (ie. not CD shops). they generally have band ad's up all over the place, or at least a couple of contact numbers.....

go to a couple of gigs and maybe get talking to some people. musicians generally hang out around the gig venues.
I couldnt even tell you cause i dont even no how to get out there myself.
american idol
try nashville
First you must search your heart. Is this something you REALLY want to do? In order to be a star, you have to go through things most people are not willing to do. Are you ready to deal with harsh critiques? When you hear them, are you gonna break and walk off, or will you perfect your gift and become stronger because of it? Are you willing to work late nights and give up lots of free time that you had in the past? Are you willing to give up some of who you are to be famous?

Before wanting to become famous, you must perfect your art first. Work on your craft and make it fresh and impeccable. No label will take you if you don't look professional. The way to look professional is putting yourself out there in front of the public ALL THE TIME. This is how you develop a reputation. This is why you MUST practice and study your craft 1st before putting yourself out there. The competition out there is STIFF and if your performances are not tight you will ruin your chances of ever making it. This goes back to reputation.

After you study with a good voice teacher, practice, and put yourself out there enough to be comfortable before an audience, then you can call yourself a professional musician.This is when you start networking. Do not start networking until you have come out of the amateur phase. I cannot stress this enough. If you come out prematurely, no one will take you seriously. After this, make a professional studio recording of yourself and have a great headshot. Get ready for rejections, because it is part of the business. With perseverance, patience, hard work, and MOST importantly TOUGH SKIN, then you will become a star. The glitz and the glamour is only 15% of stardom. It is alot of sacrifice and more work than most people understand. If you can endure and if you have the talents, you can get there. God bless!

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