Thursday, December 10, 2009

For MAN UTD fans only. ( How about Gattuso)?

He said in his interview that Belusconi, the president of AC millan has been blocking his much wanted move to the Theater of Dreams. Do you think he would fit in well and do we need him?

For MAN UTD fans only. ( How about Gattuso)?home theater system

this has been going for quite some years i remembered,gattuso's dream to play for man u.

and yes!! we do need him!

after the exile the exit of keano, we desperately need a

midfield dynamic who bears no 2nd thoughts on charging opp

force when mates down! he will have aplenty to do if he did comes and ronaldo stays:)

so yes! gennaro cmon!!!

For MAN UTD fans only. ( How about Gattuso)?the grand theater opera theater

yes i dont think we need him as much but he'll definately be good for us!
i like gattuso, he's a pretty aggressive player but i'm not sure he's cut out for the EPL, italy seems good for him. woooo............MAN U 4 eva!!! the days of yorkie and cole... i love cristiano...he's just the best!!! so cute too.
I freakin hate ManU!!! All of Man U and their fans are buttholes!
not now..

we will get owen hardgreeves
I dont think he would fit in and no we dont need him

What does dreaming of strange cities mean?

I often have dreams about visiting unfamiliar cities, which sometimes have familiar buildings or sections, but I always seem to know my way around. In one dream, there was a city with a kind of "sky subway" that ran between buildings. One of them was the building where I worked, and another ran right to a hotel where I lived. Last night, I was in a city that had a movie theater that was used as a kind of meeting place. I'd never seen the city, but I knew the way to the theater. What do these dreams symbolize, if anything at all? Why cities? Why don't I dream of idyllic country towns or suburbs? I was born in a suburb and I live in one now. Why am I dreaming of skyscrapers, subways, hotels, etc?

What does dreaming of strange cities mean?violin

Probably a site like will help you out. There is a lot of content regarding dreams there

What does dreaming of strange cities mean?chinese theater opera theater

is time to go on a holiday
Could possibly mean that you yearn to go somewhere different. That your present surroundings have left you tired and bored. I think it would be a good idea for you, psychologically, to go out of town for a bit. Hope I helped.

Would i be a good actress??

i have experience in acting. ive had 1 speaking part in a play, that was in like October. before that, i was a waitress at a dinner theater (they said i was the best one there) and before that i had 2 minor non speaking parts. in April i will be in another play, with a decent part as a stewardess. i get stage fright easily, but ive only dropped a line once and i picked back up very well. i live in southwest virginia, land of no oppurtunity. do looks have anything to do with acting? cuz most actresses are botoxy dieting glossy haired divas. i dont know if id fit in. i really love acting, its so much fun to hear the crowd cheer for you even if you didnt do very good. my drama instructer says i have the magic 'stage presence' and command attention when im on stage. i dont want to do theater though... i dream of being in a movie or tv show. what makes somone a good actress? how can i be that?

Would i be a good actress??sunshine

Well let us start off with being a glossy hair diva.Thats only the tip of the iceberg. The biggest part is convincing. And what I see that u wrote in your ?? First off get out of southwest Virginia.And get a ride on a Jet plane (southwest) and go to ORLANDO FL. And rent a car. and head for the castle.Ask anyone for direction if you don't know where it is.Went you get there ask for mickey and tell him you want to be an actress but don't tell him convince him.If you do this with any success you will land a job.

Would i be a good actress??star theater opera theater

Looks absolutely have a lot to do with acting. Thin, good looking girls tend to get a lot more roles - mostly because there are more roles written for them. As you get older (I'm 50 now) - weight can sometimes help you get a role - because there are more roles for heavy "mother aged" women.

Hollywood is about glamor and beauty. Sure - we have Kathy Bates - but most of the stars are thin and beautiful. You'll notice that foreign films have women in them who just look like regular women. Here in America - we think that all leading ladies have to be drop dead gorgeous. It's sad - and it's not too realistic either.

Go get training and see where it takes you. Do as many shows as you possibly can do. Yes - you should leave Virginia. You don't say how old you are. There's a lot of summer stock on the east coast. Figure out where the auditions are and try to get in. It's not much pay - but good experience. Do you sing? That always helps actors.

If you want to do film - then get into a city and start looking for the opportunities. They are usually not as available as stage opportunities.

Do as much acting as you can. Do your homework about directors and theatre companies and make sure they are somewhat reputable and not hard to work for/with.

Take classes if you can afford it. Scenework, scenework, scenework. Most of my learning came from doing scenework. I had a class in college that required at least one and sometimes two scenes a week. Everyone was killing themselves to find rehearsal time with their scene partner and memorize their lines and do the acting as well as possible. Then - the professor would let the class critique you. It was brutal sometimes. People would rip you apart - or sometimes - if you were really good - praise you. THAT is where I learned to act. (although you never stop learning) It's also where I learned to be directed - and take criticism and use it in a positive way. So - if you can find a class where you are doing scene work and monologue work - A LOT - that's the route to go.

If you go to the city - you'll also be able to take film acting classes.

This answer was kind of "rambling" - sorry. I just spewed out my thoughts.

Break a leg!!

Am I Too Old Now???

OK, so I'm 23 years old. I made some poor decisions in high school, that like many, I didn't realize how much of a REAL IMPACT it would have on my future. I have been trying to take the easy way out and tell myself that just getting a "job" is going to be good enough. Well people, I'm totally done lying to myself, and I am ready to embrace my true dreams in life. IS IT TOO LATE? I want to persue my dreams in a theater college, and do what comes naturally to me. Writing and acting. It is SO SO hard to do this NOW. Considering that my age and past references from high school are pretty much NON EXISTENT. Help me please. Whats the best way to get what I need to change my life?

Am I Too Old Now???musicals

Well all you have to do is try as hard as you can to get ahead and you will. Well first get all the information you need to see how to get into the college you need to go to. Then do whatever it takes to get all the forms ready and just take all the necessary tests it takes for the college you want to go to. But when you go to the adminster's office make sure to ask what kind of tests or what you need to get enrolled. And it's never to late for education or to make your life better

Am I Too Old Now???opera songs opera theater

Your never too old to pursue your dream- go for it.
A student loan and good SAT scores. A college with a theatre program just wants your money. Don't sweat it. Just prep for the SAT's. Don't worry so much about your age. If you can develop acting skills, you will.
Volunteer at places that do this stuff you want to do. Talk to them aboutany classes and such you may want/need to take. If you get around people that are doing what you want to then you may can get into this kind of career. Just have to get to know a few people in the business.
i am sorry to say this, but i am laughing at your post because you are not old at all!!!

23 is so young. do you think that the majority of 21 year olds have a firm grip on their future?? most of them are still hungover from last night and hoping they can figure out what to do with their lives.

you have a leg up! you KNOW what you want to do and that is so HUGE! get started. you are on the computer right now - do some online research. look things up.

and if you need support, just think of me. i am 28 years old and just figured out what i want to do with my life. i still have to find a place to live and hopefully, someday, someone to share those things with.

it is never to late to begin

i think you should read the book by Rita Golden Gelman called "Female Nomad" (non fiction biography). talk about starting over.

What do my friend's 3 dreams in a row mean??????????? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!?

In the first dream we are in the movie theater and she's kissing a guy she really likes and we know he likes her back I am sitting next to her kissing a different guy that neither of us know (oviously I know him in the dream).

In the second dream the movie is over and the mystery guy and I go outside then my friend and the guy she likes kiss. Then, they head outside and see me kissing the mystery guy.

In the third dream my friend and the guy she likes are at a local water park with an arcade I am not there at all but the mystery guy is but he is not doing anything. Also in the first 2 dreams the mystery guy's hair is sandy brown now it is dark brown(why?). My friend and the guy she likes go down a slide. The guy she likes kisses her on the cheek. Then they go to the arcade and he kisses her on the cheek. Then she turns to him and says" If you want to kiss me just do it!"and he does.

My friend and I don't have boyfriends. I have never had one and I have never kissed a guy, she has.

What do my friend's 3 dreams in a row mean??????????? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!?performing arts show

sounds like you and your friends got kissin on your mind, and dreams can come from Jesus, but they can also come from the dark side to warn us to be carefull not to go to the dark side.

David living new In Jesus amazing grace and thanks=John chapter 3 repented of sin and let Jesus into my heart to be born again, amen

What do my friend's 3 dreams in a row mean??????????? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!?opera cd opera theater

Your friend has a new hobby...kissing guys in her dreams! Mighty nice of her to include you!

How do i become a star?

I love singing and stage. I've just moved to sydney and m studying music. I have always dream of doing musicals and theater. Problem is I dunno where n who to go too. Love challenges. Would love singing with bands. But how do singers get invited to sing with a band? I love challenges in singing new songs. I do compose but not lyrical pieces. more of instrumental. and I do play other instruments; piano, violin, clarinet, guitar(a little). But would prefer doing singing instead of the instruments. So? (=

How do i become a star?ballet theater


You have to meet as many people as you can that write and perform music and increase your musical network. This way you increase the likelyhood of someone saying, "hey remember that singer we met? she was pretty good, -lets ask her if she's interested in collaborating on our next song." You never know who's gonna make it big either so the more people you know that are involved in music the more likely you are to one day have a connection thats made the big time and remembers you.

Also perform live as often as you can and in front of as many people as you can- even if its just a local bar you never know whos listening and you might impress someone important.

Basically, get involved in a big way and be prepared to put in the hard work and it'll pay off.

Do you have any examples of your work or any demo material? Thats also very useful- never leave the house without a CD of your work cos you might bump into the right person and kick yourself for not having one!

How do i become a star?chicago theater opera theaterTo start performing in bars/clubs etc... the best thing to do would be to get a demo CD, (if you don't already). Go round your local venues that put on live events and tell them you're looking to do some gigs and hand them a copy of your demo. The worst they can say is no :-) Report It

also hang around clubs/bars %26amp; meet some bands. If they're gigging then they'll know the promoters who arrange club nights-contacts! For a reliable mic save 锟?0 and get a "sure SM58" its an industry standard live vocal mic. Report It

Audition for American Idol. It seems to be the present day gateway to Musical stardom now. You do not even need to win the competition to be a star.
scan the boards like craigslist for bands seeking musicians/singers and find your self some auditions.

or even better. start your own band.
maybe start with finding some proper music shops (ie. not CD shops). they generally have band ad's up all over the place, or at least a couple of contact numbers.....

go to a couple of gigs and maybe get talking to some people. musicians generally hang out around the gig venues.
I couldnt even tell you cause i dont even no how to get out there myself.
american idol
try nashville
First you must search your heart. Is this something you REALLY want to do? In order to be a star, you have to go through things most people are not willing to do. Are you ready to deal with harsh critiques? When you hear them, are you gonna break and walk off, or will you perfect your gift and become stronger because of it? Are you willing to work late nights and give up lots of free time that you had in the past? Are you willing to give up some of who you are to be famous?

Before wanting to become famous, you must perfect your art first. Work on your craft and make it fresh and impeccable. No label will take you if you don't look professional. The way to look professional is putting yourself out there in front of the public ALL THE TIME. This is how you develop a reputation. This is why you MUST practice and study your craft 1st before putting yourself out there. The competition out there is STIFF and if your performances are not tight you will ruin your chances of ever making it. This goes back to reputation.

After you study with a good voice teacher, practice, and put yourself out there enough to be comfortable before an audience, then you can call yourself a professional musician.This is when you start networking. Do not start networking until you have come out of the amateur phase. I cannot stress this enough. If you come out prematurely, no one will take you seriously. After this, make a professional studio recording of yourself and have a great headshot. Get ready for rejections, because it is part of the business. With perseverance, patience, hard work, and MOST importantly TOUGH SKIN, then you will become a star. The glitz and the glamour is only 15% of stardom. It is alot of sacrifice and more work than most people understand. If you can endure and if you have the talents, you can get there. God bless!

I dreamt of being with someone I dont like?

lately I have been torn between two guys. welle call them A and B Anyway in my dream It was me in a movie theater with this other guy(C)-one who i have no feelings for we are just friends. so C and me were sitting really close together he had his arm around me and told me that he wasnt really there for the movie but rather someone who would be while we were watching it guy A walked by and looked at me for a while (i have had an on and off thing with him for the past months, thogugh we never went out) i remeber thinking how this would making him jealous. Then after the movie we were sitting on the floor and C had his arms wrapped around me when B walked by and looked smiled at me and walked away I didnt think anything. what does this mean

I dreamt of being with someone I dont like?performing art center

go to

3 year crush -still in my dreams?

I just woke up from this weird dream i had, i was at a theater and with my old cruch from the 5th grade after the acts and when we said hi, he kissed me on the cheek (he new i likes him in 5th grade) and said i feel so much better ani i said that too. (im in the 7th now) i did have alot of obbsesion about him and he was my first crush too. I think about him like every 2-3 months but not really. since that was 3 years ago.1 of his closest friends are in my class this year too if that helps. Now i have a bf and a good life but i kelp thinking about the 5th grade cruch and always about to cry. Whats the matter with me, is this normal? Should i ask his friend for his number of some thing? And the dream, does it mean anything?? please im only 12 and i need some AnSwErS!!!

3 year crush -still in my dreams?oper

alright sweetie, u know what, lets do this, u have a bf now and i believe u love him very much so why dont u try to forget abt ur crush.

Is postponing my studies the right thing to do?

Hi, I'm 21, and totally confused. I have not gone to follege yet, since I spent the last two years in the military. All of my life I have dreamt of becoming a theater actress. This past January I flew to NYC and auditioned to 4 really great acting programs (Juilliard, AADA, Marymount Manhattan and Stella Adler). I was accepted to 3 of them. A few months after getting accepted, I just didn't feel like going. I felt like I needed some free time for soul searching. How bad is it to start school at the age of 22? I am completely confused. Please help. Thanx!

Is postponing my studies the right thing to do?theater

It's not bad to start school late (I didn't get serious about completing my BA until I was 27), but don't expect those programs to wait for you.

Good luck to you!

Is postponing my studies the right thing to do?london theatre opera theater

It is never to late to get an education. If you aren't sure what you want to do, going to college is a good place to figure it out. No telling what you will discover about yourself.
Hi Maya, It is ok if you didn't go to the acting schools, as long as one of them wasn't Julliard, because it is the best there is.

You must have some ability and experience if you got accepted at the other three, although many even highly regarded schools are just after more students to increase their income. It is not too bad to start school at age 22, depending on the school, but you don't have to go to school full time to become an actor. There are better things you could be doing with your time. Again, I except Julliard. So, do you really want to be an actor? If so, I will be glad to help you. Click on my name, read my profile, and ask me anything you want to know about acting and becoming an actor by writing me at my aol address given in my profile.

What does dreaming of theatres mean ??

I have a recurring dream that i am always sitting in a movie theater either about to see a movie or i'm just hanging out talking. Sometimes the movie is playing but i can never see what it is. Also other times there is like a talent show going on or a concert. does anyone know what dreaming of this means. Ive been puzzled since its been happening for years. Also if anyone can throw in an explanation of what riding elevators also means. They go from side to side and all these weird ways as i am in them in my dream. Thanks

What does dreaming of theatres mean ??theatre

My dear, I can't recall how many times I've answered this kind of question. NO ONE can answer it for you. There are NO dream dictionaries or symbol interpretations that will apply to YOU. For example, a snake can be a good symbol to one person, %26amp; bad to another. If you want to understand your recurring dream, the ONLY way you can do so, (%26amp; you can!) is to explore it yourself. What are your emotions in the dream? What associations from YOUR life can you relate to? Are there other people in the dreams? Do you know them? Are you aware of their feelings? Are the dreams in colour? Are any of you "senses" missing? There are so many questions that will help you, just you, to understand the messages in the dreams. I have never, ever, attempted to interpret someone else's dream, only to evoke their feelings by questions they can explore. I'm certain people intend to "help," but references to GENERALIZATIONS will never get you there. The "messages" in your dreams are important. Long ago, neglecting to give a recurring dream any credence, I made a mistake I'll always regret. I don't want to be redundant, but if you're at all interested, you could go to my page, %26amp; find answers to other dream questions. (Both in the avatars "DRAGON" %26amp; "Physic Cat.) You've shown the interest that I think might make it worthwhile.

What does dreaming of theatres mean ??opera music opera theaterJust want to say that I'm delighted at least one person understands that dreams CANNOT be interpreted by others. We can ask questions to help the person explore, but NEVER give definitive answers. Report It

Here is a Interpretation of your dream I found

Your Dream: sitting in a movie theater either about to see a movie or i'm just hanging out talking. Sometimes the movie is playing but i can never see what it is. Also other times there is like a talent show going on or a concert. does anyone know what dreaming of this means. Ive been puzzled since its been happening for years. Also if anyone can throw in an explanation of what riding elevators also means. They go from side to side and all these weird ways as i am in them in my dream.

Words like or: Restricted vision. Cloud. Screen .Looking to hide certain feelings.

Words like hanging: Lack of communication. Change in own environment. Must control passions.

Words like talking: Conversation. Communication. Seeking for a way to express something.

Words like playing: Amusement. Joy. Free movement. Need for fun and carefreeness.

Words like times: Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.

Words like or: Restricted vision. Cloud. Screen .Looking to hide certain feelings.

Words like concert: Unexpected news. Work on harmony.

Words like dreaming: Creating stage. Walking to inner reality. Impossible desires. Emotional sorrow.

Words like years: Change. Time. Ready for a new start.

Words like elevators: Ascension. Increased understanding. Increase in wealth and advancement in position.
You are shy, but talented. Start a journal, write a book.

To dream that you are in a theater, signifies that you will derive much pleasure from new companionships. Consider also how the performance parallels to situations in your waking life. Observe how the characters relate to you and how they may represent an aspect of yourself. You may be taking on a new role.

To dream that you are laughing and/or applauding in a theater, indicates that you tend to choose pleasure and instant gratification over working on future goals.

To dream that the theater is on fire, signifies that any new projects you take on will be risky.


To dream that you are at a concert, represents harmony and cooperation in a situation or relationship of your waking life. You are experiencing an uplift in your spirits.


To dream that you are ascending in an elevator, signifies that you will quickly rise to status and wealth. You may have risen to a higher level of consciousness and are looking at the world from an elevated viewpoint. Descending in an elevator, denotes that misfortunes will crush and discourage you. The up and down action of the elevator may represent the ups and downs of your life go emerging out of and submerging into your subconscious.

To dream that the elevator is out of order or that it is not letting you off, symbolizes that your emotions have gotten out of control.
some schools of thought indicate activity in a theatre are higher amounts of social activities in the offing.
For second part of your question :

"Also if anyone can throw in an explanation of what riding elevators also means. They go from side to side and all these weird ways as i am in them in my dream. Thanks"

Riding elevators- is mean you trying to reach destination of something, maybe, career,self improvement, relationship and you go all these weird ways, but it's not what you need
Some says life is a theater. I am not sure how often do you go to theater, but dreaming of theater can have couple meanings.

1. Needing guidance - Most likely you are not sure what your decision, what you are looking for in life. Being in theaters could symbolize some sort of objectives you are seeking. In other words, you are waiting for things to happen., and waiting for people to show you things you have doubt about. Being in the

theater is a passive way to do things in your life.

2. Full of emptiness in social life - This could mean you have empty social life. You may some issues about your social life. Theater could symbolize social life when means you are being inactive in your social life.

As far as riding elevators from side to side, that symbolize decision making. In your subconscious mind, you are not stable about how you want to do things. In translation, that means you have doubt doing things or have problem making decision
Dreams of theaters sometimes signify a way of looking at a part of your behavior, or experimenting with feelings, as something outside of you, rather than confronting them as part of yourself. Therefore it might be a part your own past or character which you do not wish to acknowledge. The theme of the film is usually important, because it will illustrate something relevant to your own life. In some cases it it a urge to escape from what is pressing in your life.

What do these crazy dreams mean??

dream #1: ok so in my dream my mom was vacuming and there was a kitten under the carpet. so she ripped up the carpet and then she got really mad and threw the kitten against the wall. i was really mad at my mom for doing that, then i followed the kitten becuase it ran away and it went to this cat kingdom. then whenever a cat got on top of this cat stand this it could talk, so it would tell me to help them find food. then i just remember all the cats really liked me and i waws trying really hard to keep the cat kingdom a secret and i would go there all the time.

dream #2: this one is the scary dream... okay so my mom was at this movie theater and called me to come there so my dad and I rented horses to go there. then we were about to go through this old omish town and it went down this really long hill. there were people running up the hill and i asked my dad why and he said its nothing. then when we got to the bottom of this hill, my dad told me that the reason people were leaving

What do these crazy dreams mean??pacific theater

Quite an irrational dream I say, Do you have problems at your house i.e. Domestic Abuse/Disputes?

Help with dreams?

i had a dream last night that i was at the movie theater and we were watching a movie of the worlld was ending, but it wasnt a movie, it was like actually what was happening to the world at the moment, and i woke and in a sweat

what does it mean when you dream of the world ending?

Help with dreams?the grand theater

Dreams are often metaphors for how we feel. Perhaps you are going through a stressful time 鈥?school, work, or home life 鈥?and you feel like "it's the end of the world." Endings and beginnings are common themes in dreams, because we often are beginning or ending something 鈥?whether it be a class, a relationship, moving, etc. Sometimes we don't like the changes we are going through, thus, a dream like this 鈥?"it's the end of the world." And, we also often tend to not tell other people when we are feeling down, or are worried, and our dreams will act out those feelings for us in the way of images.

Don't worry about it, just realize that perhaps you are stressed and worried about upcoming changes. If we don't pay attention to what we are going through, then our dreams will find a way for us to pay attention. It sounds like this dream did just that!

Things will turn around and you will start having better dreams! Good luck!

Help with dreams?soap opera opera theater

actually the dream is to make us realize that this world is no longer strong..for your info i had dream of this thing many time before...and it scares me too...maybe this dream is to make you and all of us a better person...because all the thing that happen in this world always have its own reason....maybe you had commited a sin and because of that there is someone that came into your dream and wanna tell you to make it right before it's too late....
In my opinion, dreams don't predict something.I have dreamed something similar ,too and . . . nothing happened.

In dreams we can see everything we are afraid of, or everything we WANT to happen

Tattoo ideas, need help!?

I need a motivational tattoo. My dream is to start a movie theater franchise. I wanted the tattoo to be on my wrist... so it would need to be pretty small. I was thinking a reel of film? any ideas are welcome! thanks!

Tattoo ideas, need help!?chinese theater

sounds like a reel of flim would be a good selection for you, you may also want to consider your fav movie star, maybe just a star with your name it in (like the ones in hollywood) maybe a star with a dollar sign to show, you like the movies and the $ is for the $ you will make when you open up a theater, maybe popcorn... nothing says movies like popcorn :)

Tattoo ideas, need help!?opera mini opera theater

How about a clapstick...have the black and white stripes on the part you slap down and then put a star on the base...that would be so cool because it's like "movie STAR!" Good luck with your dreams, that would be awesome!
Don't get one at all. It is not healthy and it is forever/
a reel of film?

Dreams are good... but understand, dreams change... but tattoos do not (without a little laser surgery, eh?).

I would suggest not putting it on your wrist. Actually, I would suggest not permanently marking your flesh at all.

If you need a tattoo to motivate you toward your dream, perhaps it isn't a dream that is dear enough for you to warrant a tattoo in the first place.
I Was Thinkin..A Music Note. This Is Classy And Theatrical! Im Also Thinking The Drama Mask Things, Im Not Sure What They Are Called But Im Sure U Noo Bein Into All That, They Are Very Traditional! Hope Ive Helpedd! xx
The happy/sad theatre masks symbol oops I mean comedy/tragedy mask
three slashes is best *wink*
The reel sounds cool. How about the faces of comedy and tragedy on either side and overlapping a bit.
try to imagine what it will look like in 20 years. it will be faded and egg shaped and no one will know what it is. why not jewelery instead?
before u get a tattoo, try drawing a design u like on your skin with something that wont go away in one day. if you still like it after some time, get one. if you get one how bout a peace sign?
heart.scorpio,dragon,cancer ,flower,heart in fire,LOVE.
I agree that the drama mask (happy sad things) thing would be cooler than a movie reel. however, it is your skin, your tattoo, and your dreams so it is best that you choose what you like the most. As a first tattoo, I would not reccomend getting it on your wrist. I personally have 15+ tats (some blend together so hard to count), but none can not be hidden with t-shirt and pants. Its just better to be able to hide them sometimes and that is hard to do on your wrist. I love all my tats and proud of them, but you never know what kind of situation you may be placed in.

this but of better quality!

Are Drive-In Theaters completely out?

Okay. It's rare for drive-in theaters being around anymore. My lifetime dream is to reopen a drive-in theatre and show 70's/80's films, mixed with the up to dates. I want it to have an authentic vibe. When I tell this to people, they know for a fact I can do it, but they mention that drive-in theatres are "out". If I were to reopen a vintage drive-in theatre, do you think people would still come?

Are Drive-In Theaters completely out?star theater

they are dying out. who would go to a drive in movie. this is no longer the 1950's any more

Are Drive-In Theaters completely out?extension opera theater

there is one here in Tampa called Fun-Lan drive in. on Hillsborough Avenue
there is one like 15 minutes away from me i go with my b/f and sometimes friends and mom sometimes :)
I would come i think its pretty sweet
That is a great idea. But its hard to tell, if it would be succesful. In my opinion it would do great for a short while then nose dive and you would loose money. The problem is getting people to consistantly come out, which would be pretty difficult considering cars arnt that comfortable, they could rent a movie and watch it at the comforts of home or jsut go to a movie and sit in nice comfy chairs. But if its your dream follow it.
Fantastic idea, what is killing drive-ins is that they are located close to urban centres and the real-estate becomes too valuable to justify the returns a drive-in offers....
i saw a double feature of knocked up and evan almighty in a drive-in

behind me they had oceans 13 and fantastic 4 silver surfer

so they aren't completely out.

i'd come depending on the movie.

good 70-80's movies are batman, the terminator, star wars original trilogy, bettlejuice, the shining.

A little help with my long-term goal!?

I want to own my own movie theater someday, it's a big dream of mine. Some people tell me to start working in a movie theater... that whole start at the bottom thing... someone else bought me a book about the history of Hollywood... anything you guys can come up with? you are all so cool...

A little help with my long-term goal!?opera cd

I would just do some research and scout some places to rent or buy. You can do a main stream movie theater or (more interesting) a theater that plays classic movies. Like have horror fest nights or disney movie days. You really don't have to work at a theater-I worked at one and it's not really that great of a learning experience-but it was fun. Good luck!!

A little help with my long-term goal!?opera singer opera theater

i would agree that you should start at the bottom of the totem pole and work your way up..

good luck i hope that your dream comes true
there's a lot of old run-down theaters out there. In my town there was a retro-style one; someone bought it, and turned it into a banquet hall. so start saving your money and just buy one. But good advise to work in one and learn how to run it.

Good Luck.

Is it wrong to be an actress and not want something in the bussiness?

First let me say that i dont mean to offend anyone, i do i sincerly apoligize. Well i am Huge into theater. I love it, its my dream to become a actess. But i have a problem. Now i am a christain and i dont really agree in homosexuality but i do respect. I really dont mind if someone is, i even have a ex who is gay and we check out other guys all the time. i know weird but i mean im just showing i dont care, but in theater its everywhere. In the plays, the actors , the characters everything. Now if i were to be in a play with that or someone in it, it wouldn't be a problem for me but i for some reason am waiting to come around and not care about kissing the same sex it's just actin but i really dont think i could kss them oppisite sex, no matter how much i want it! I love everybody, but for some reason i still dont like seeing the kissin and i dont think i could kiss either. What should i do is it okay? at my skool the'd undrstand but they might not let me in any of the skools plays?!?

Is it wrong to be an actress and not want something in the bussiness?chicago theater

Sometimes, as Christians, we have to stick to our values no matter what. It might mean that we don't get a part we really want, but what is more important in the long run? I have been in that very position. I had to refuse a role because I didn't want to compromise. You know what? It sucked at the time, but I got over it! Other roles came along. However, I want to remind you that you have to be salt and light to a hurting world. We are ALL sinners, and sexual sin is no "worse" of a sin than lying to your parents. Learn to be "in the world, but not of it". That means that you can work with people that do things that you don't agree with without compromising your own values. After all, Jesus hung out with the lowest of the low! He didn't condemn them, He loved them! That's what we are called to do. Love them, pray for them, and live your life as an example. You can do it!

Is it wrong to be an actress and not want something in the bussiness?met opera opera theater

There are many popular actors that feel the same way. Will Smith for examply, in one of his earlier movies, refused to kiss another guy so they had to shoot the scene from a different angle to make it look like they were kissing. If it's something you feel uncomfortable doing, dont do it! Simple as that. I dont think it will affect your career. Just dont go audition for roles as a gay person, and you should be just fine avoiding it.
Don't do anything you are not comfortable with. That's your right. It's not wrong. If you don't want to do something asked of you for a role, then you're not right for the role. Ask politely if it could be changed, or quit. But by the way - If you think you are going to avoid gay people and have a career in the theatre at the same time, you are sorely mistaken.

I want to start working as a in movie theaters,where to start??

Do i just apply at the local movie theater?? or do i need special training? it would be my dream job right now being that i am building my own theater,albiet with a digital projector.

I want to start working as a in movie theaters,where to start??theater seating

Yes, just apply to the local movie theater. They will train you how to operate the equipment. (it is not very hard)

I want to start working as a in movie theaters,where to start??lyric opera opera theater

Depends on what state you live in. Here in Pennsylvania, you have to be over 18.
research the market movies are dying out in some markets
In Chicago you need to be mob connected.

How do you break into acting with out any experience? Do I need an Agent or take class first.?

I have never had the courage to persue it but it has always been my hidden dream. Do I checkout local theaters in my community or take some classes at the local community college? I don't want to be taken advantage of by scams. Only provide legitamate information. Thanks

How do you break into acting with out any experience? Do I need an Agent or take class first.?theatre tickets

How do I break into being a surgeon without having any experience?

How do I break into being a race cardriver without any experience?

Get the idea? Being an actor is a profession, and it takes talent, plus training and experience. If you want to work in theatre, start with training and experience and you'll discover if you have any talent.

And both your ideas sound sensible. Get involved in local community theatre productions. Take a class. Above all read plays, and you can get those at your local public library. Plays are the language of theatre and the more you read, the more you will learn about the craft.

While you're in the library, see if they have a good book on stage management. I suspect you are more interested in acting, but if you know what a stage manager does and how he/she does it, it will help you in your acting.

If you enjoy it - if you do well in it and others seem to enjoy and respect your work - and it is work, if you approach it as play time, you might as well stay home for everyone's sake - then you can consider looking for more professional training, more advanced study.

Break a leg!

How do you break into acting with out any experience? Do I need an Agent or take class first.?opera house opera theater

Agents work with actors that have a lot of experience. You are a few years from doing that.

Take your time, concentrate on getting the best acting training you can where you live. Take acting classes for a few years. Contact the community and universities for names of good acting teachers. Your goal is to become a well-trained actor.

It may take a few years before you feel comfortable and confident to audition for a play. Don't rush it. Acting will always be around.
Classes first, no doubt. Agents work with people who stand a chance of getting into roles, and directors/producers/casting directors base alot of their choices on previous experiance. I'd say two years of classes, then if you're talented, go for it. Look out for Schools that are agents as well. They'll automaticly let you join their agency when you join the school, and you may have a part before you know it! - Discussion Group

I have dreams of things blowing up w/ me and my friends and dreams of sexy guys trying to kill me?

i have dreams of things blowing up w/ me and my friends and dreams of sexy guys trying to kill me....

ex. i was in a mall/ movie theater/ hotel.....there are 2 many details but 1st this welding mask shaped elevater caught on fire w/ me %26amp; my 2 best friends in it (no one was hurt) than the mall part blew up (again noone hurt) then JESSE MCCARTANY Tried 2 Kill me and my BEST Friend! (problems were solved w/out killing) than a fat guy stuck in the wall of an elevater got out w/ help of sergery (after sergery he was sexy, %26amp; tried 2 kill me) than i had a dream that my school was half school half "Target" store, %26amp; the attendance officer tried 2 kill me 4 missing a month of school! THAN 2 boys put a bomb under the school %26amp; it blew up!! i was having dreams like this from 4 days befor and untill my court date...was it 2 do w/ the court, (which was 4 missing school) or could it had been caused by something else?

I have dreams of things blowing up w/ me and my friends and dreams of sexy guys trying to kill me?hollywood theater

Maybe you are turned on by S%26amp; M!

I have dreams of things blowing up w/ me and my friends and dreams of sexy guys trying to kill me? opera theater

Bond! James BonD LOL
Sounds like you need to lay off the action movies and video games.
sounds to me like attractive ppl make you feel insecure about yourself. thats why its hot guys, to use your words, trying to kill you,because in real life they make you feel nervous.
Maybe coz you think all good looking people can't be trusted?

Maybe you wish you were hot, you probably are but maybe you have very low self esteem?

I modelled most of my life as a catwalk model. No one average looking has ever liked me. My looks have been a bit of a curse really.

Give us beautiful people a bit of a brake, we aren't murderers.
uh!im lost on this 1!

I dreamt that I was in the year 1954...near my old home town...?

I had gone to a theater show or a movie,in the year 2007,and when I got out in the evening(it was still light out,and a nice summer evening,and there was a fair happening outside) it was the year 1954!

I would like to know if I dream things such as this, do you think it is possible for me

tha to have lived a life in that year?

I also dream of the 1940's as well! Mostly I dream other things..but, occasionally I seem to have many dreams of the 1940's and 1950's!

I recall them playing records outside...and one woman got upset over the rythym and blues soul music somebody was putting on the record I said "Trust me, this is NOTHIN'! If you were ,where I am from., would really NOT like the music..(the music where I am from has a LOT more swear words in them!! )Trust me, we have rap, blues, hip-hop, and so on...just a huge amount of different types of music!!!"

"and you're gonna love IPODS!!" I added also!

But what do you all think about this type of dream %26amp; why?

I dreamt that I was in the year 1954...near my old home town...?

Maybe to live a more simple life? I dream that I am my aunt as a child in the 40's and 50's and I am the only one aware that I am from now and it always freaks me out like I am visiting the past because I never met my granddad yet I can tell you about scars he had the way his hair creme smelled and his voice! And the way my grandmother looked then unreal!

I really think we can cross over time and even into heaven in our sleep.

I also wish that I could have lived then and I think that is how I am able to visit the past.

I dreamt that I was in the year 1954...near my old home town...?opera mobile opera theater

have you ever herd of a time zone like the movie called back to the future that Michael did. in the 1980.s it looks like you when back in the past in the 1940/50 too worn a lady about what it would be in 50 or 60 years after her time. it,s called time,s another dimension and it,s very real but you can only do this when your sleeping your sole comes out it,s called a out of body exserance experts know it.s real but you can,t change the past.that the part that sucks.but it,s real.
yes you lived in that were a little dog named traveled with a fair from state to state,you roamed the fair while everybody enjoyed there selfs.remember now.seeya jake.
Some people believe that time travel can occur with astral projection, where the mind leaves the body. Whether you believe in that possibility or not is up to you.

What I see in your dream is perspective. Your mind brings you to a place in the past, yet you are still conscious of the present. Maybe these glimpses into another era offer you the chance to compare and decide what is really important to you, no matter when in the course of time you happen to live your life.
This was likely a perceptive dream, to bring insight to a decision or a dilemma that you are currently going thru. It is not possible that you had a previous life in the 40's or 50's, but it is possible to have dreams of that time if it is relevant to your current experiences. You would also need some directly related information - maybe from your family history or from other stories you have heard. This could also be a reminder of a previous directive from an authority figure; hence the lady "upset over the rhythym and blues soul music" being played.

I dreamt I was the star of a horror movie but I couldn't bring myself to watch it, what could t

At the beginning of the dream I was starring in an absolutely terrifying horror movie. We (other people, not sure who they were) were filming and everyone kept saying it was the "scariest movie ever made". I kept saying to the cast and crew that I couldn't bear to watch it because it would scare me too much.

Eventually I guess we were done filming and it was the premier at this movie theater, and people were lined up to see it. By some of their reactions I could tell I was famous. I was giving interviews to people saying that I was too scared to watch the movie and I actually was terrified of the film. Everyone filed into the theater while I waited in the hallway. I could hear the sounds of the movie and the people screaming, so I left. Then I was standing on this grassy hill with a friend of mine and someone came and said the movie was over, and that I could come back. I went back and people were filing out of the theater saying how scary and wonderful it was.

Any ideas? Thanks!

I dreamt I was the star of a horror movie but I couldn't bring myself to watch it, what could that mean?opera music

Your conscience is talking to you

you have been party to something that

you know down deep has been harmful to someone

and, you really are ashamed to face the implications

of what this has brought about !!

Notice how "you and a friend" stood away from the action

until it was all over -- then went back to hear how "wonderful"

it had all been !!

Do some soul searching here ! You will not be free of this

until you face it -- and do something to correct it !!

I dreamt I was the star of a horror movie but I couldn't bring myself to watch it, what could that mean?opera sheet music opera theater

What are you hiding from?? face your fears confront the issue you may be suprised at the outcome
**To dream that you are in a theater, signifies that you will derive much pleasure from new companionships. Consider also how th performance parallels to situations in your waking life. Observe how the characters relate to you and how they may represent an aspect of yourself. You may be taking on a new role.

**To dream that you are a celebrity, signifies your high aspirations that may be way beyond your reach at the present moment. You may just be setting yourself for a let-down.

**To dream that you are standing on top of a hill, signifies that you have succeeded in your endeavors or that you have now have the resources to complete a task at hand.

**To see green grass in your dream, suggests that there is a part of yourself that you can always rely on. The dream is also symbolic of natural protection.

Is this how you're feeling, or what's going on right now in your life?
According to Dreamcrowd:

To dream that you are in a cinema, signifies that you will derive much pleasure from new companionships. Consider also how the performance parallels to situations in your waking life. Observe how the characters relate to you and how they may represent an aspect of yourself. You may be taking on a new role. To dream that you are laughing and/or applauding in the cinema, indicates that you tend to choose pleasure and instant gratification over working on future goals. To dream that the Cinema is on fire, signifies that any new projects you take on will be risky. See also: Theater

Try posting your dream on Dreamcrowd for a free interpretation.
i believe this has something to do with living your life but scared to face the consequences for ur actions.u starred in a "really scary movie" and that was an action.the consequence was having the movie in theaters but u were too scared to face it.

Do dreams mean anything?

This dream happend a week a go but im still wondering why i was mistaken for jasmine i dont know anyone named jasmine

in my dream the guy i liked was wearing a striped tshirt vertical lined and he mistaked me for the name jasmine and he was smileing and nervous we were at a theater play all i can remember what does it mean if you put all these clues together??

does it have to do with soulmates cause im re asking this question and almost all the answers everyone said soulmates


To see jasmine in your dream, signifies love and protection. It is also an indication of short-lived pleasures.

I just want to know what jasmine means or who she is etc.

Do dreams mean anything?phantom of the opera

Jasmine could mean a lot of different things.

Dreams are often an abstraction of some of

your deepest inner-most thoughts; and there

may be no direct connection to "Jasmine"

and anyone you know of, or ever knew. (It is

just as likely that there's some sort of hidden

meaning behind this guy's use of the word:

maybe he was telling you that he thinks you're


Did he look familiar at all? Maybe this was a

guy from some time in your past who you just

never got around to hitting it off with.

Hope that helps some.

Dreams can be very fun to second-guess. But,

you can be sure of this: if you've got a knack for

remembering your dreams, that's a good sign.

It means you're a very intelligent person--because

dreams, even though they seem like miniature

movies, only last for a few seconds.

Do dreams mean anything?listen to opera opera theater

Sometimes a dream is just a way for your brain to dump the junk of the day
idk but i had similar dreams about this kinda stuff . mine was about a girl i had a strong crush for in the 9th grade. but mine never came true like i hope it did show me that how much of a fool i was for even liking her in the first place. she was sweet and every thing i wanted in my drems but in reality she just a girl who dates a bunch of random guys and probably has sex with them. my advice to u is to ask god in prayer why he is giving u a dream like this and u will see why but remeber an answer to a prayer doesnt always happen overnight mine took a couple of days.
Maybe, you will have a daughter some day and this is what her name is suppose to be. It is a pretty word. Just a thought.


What does my dream mean ive had it a couple times but in diff. senarios but with the same guy:

the last one was about this guy (we used to have a thing but it ended, we still talk like a lot though but idk) and we went to the mall together and made out in the theater(why idk) and his girlfriend called him and then he broke up with her and we started going out but like i remeber in the dream there being like obvious shapes like spirals and circles like in normal things like spiral staircases %26amp; hallways and like circle chairs and cars...........what does it all mean someone help i am so like stunned right now

Dreams????soap opera

Sounds like he is still on your mind you are not over him yet...and he is coming to you in your dreams...but, another thing could be, has this person this ex, been talking with you, acting different in anyway that could make you think he still is into you.....your subconscious might be telling you he wants you back, or you want him back, which the latter seems the best to me, seeing as you are dreaming about a girlfriend in his life too that broke up with just would have alot to do with how long have you two been broke up, and is he giving you mixxed signals, or you to him, spiral staircase means, things are moving, forward or backward depending on the situation, and the hallway, means length,, I suggest you take a look at how you feel about this guy and see if he is still on your mind more than a friend, and take a look at him too without him knowing and see what signals he's sending you...dreams have a way of bringing out what we want, or things that arn't resolved in our lives...maybe you just need closure with him...hope it works out, and this helps, if I had a little more detail, I could help you more...

Dreams????city opera opera theater

sounds like you are attracted to him but he thinks of you as his sister
i'm normally not a dream interpreter, but do you still like this dude?maybe its a sign that you should get back together.

Have any weird dreams recently? what were they??

A few nights ago I had a dream that I was going on a date with this guy. I never got his name, or much of what he looked like, but, strangly enough, i was able to hear that his sign was a Sagittarius. We went on a date to the movie theater and then it turned into me and him sitting on my bed looking at each other and then he kissed me, and then i made him stop because i didn't want him to (i have no idea why i rejected him.. he was hot. kinda annoying though, that must have been why). I've never had a kiss in my life... and that one in the dream was... so realistic that it kinda scared me o.o I liked it though, makes me look forward to my REAL first kiss lol.

YOU have any weird dreams lately??

Have any weird dreams recently? what were they??opera mini

MY dog ate a lego brick and turned into a hokey pokey elmo, who then got on a chariot and flew to mars, while i just sat there in a wagon watching, then said "dammit i want some oatmeal"

Have any weird dreams recently? what were they??passions soap opera opera theater

My teeth fell out

last night I was hosting a concert for Winnie the Pooh
I have ones about tornadoes chasing me everywhere. I guess that tells me I can't run from my problems.
since you have not had a kiss in your life..

i don't think i ought to describe any of my dreams to you.
Wow that is a strange dream
my dreams are weird.

i wake up cant wait to tell my friends what i dream.

i go into the shower.

come out.

forget what the entire dream was about.

its weird but my memory sucks so its all cool!!


I had a nightmare that the devil raped me. I wanted to wake up but I could not. Most scariest ever.
I vaguely remember some strange dream involving my school and desks. But they are like fleeting mist...
lol, this is weird, i was just about to ask the same question...coz last night my mom told me i was talking in my sleep and she told me i was like talking to some people whose names were: Renee, Judas Rabbi, Adrian, Floral, Buk and Seeker ( familiar?)..i was actually laughing in my sleep my mom told, so weird really! ^_^
I dreamt I was flying to Minnesota (Why?) and the plane flew upside down and sideways. I was with my grandma (who is 92) and then she died. :( Sure hope this wasn't one of those premonition dreams!
I have weird dreams all the time and lately in my dreams I have been dying in them. They say when you die in your dream that means you die in real life but I guess that's not the case.
I was running through a house running from a guy with a gun. I ran past a bedroom and had an idea. I would jump in the bed and go to sleep. If I could do that, then I would wake up and save myself. Then I actually woke up and the dream was over.

It was weird.
1 dream every night the same dream every night it repeats and repeats i don't think Ive ever dreamt of some thin else since last year

Can dreams be defined?

Can dreams be defined?

I had a dream that someone of a higher power force me to cover every inch of the world using my thumb print.

I get other ones where I see a great big wall soaring all the way to the sky and around me that has every person name alive. Some reason i tried to memorize all the names.

I was in the theater in front row watching the sun (as its actual size.)

A recent one was a crowd of people walking around me with no eyes and open mouths. I got this feeling of punching all of them.

I get vertigo and anxiety a lot. Can these be related

Can dreams be defined?extension

I had the weirdest dream/nightmare ever so lets see..

I somehow had this little orange monkey in the dream and he was really cute I named him tiddles and one night my aunt %26amp; uncle were sleeping and there was scratching sounds were coming from the vent my uncle openned the vent and tiddles was there wearing a tiny silk robe!!! then he opened the robe and screamed at my uncle %26amp; underneath the robe tiddles stomach was ripped open and he attacked my uncle and my uncle died because tiddles had become diseased...NOW WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF THAT?? totally creapy and upsetting that I woke up from it and remember every detail!!!

Can dreams be defined?movie theater opera theater

A true dream interpretation can only take place with you, interpreting yourself. Dream websites and books can only point you in the direction that your mind may be taking you in, through your subconscious and memories.

Once you start looking for connections with your life, you will start finding them. You just need to be honest with yourself.
i think its connected to anxiety.the dreams are symbolic of being overwhelmed.the things you are dealing with are making you feel pressured.

Two very strange dreams.?

okay, so the other night i had a dream that i was back in my old school, and it was kinda dirty and the classrooms were a mess! and all the grades were mixed up. and everyone was mad at me and hated me for some reason, then at the end of the day there was an educationonal movie they wanted us to watch, and we had to watch it in a BIG movie theater, and i wanted to sit my one of my old guy friends that i hadn't seen in forever, and he was sitting with a redheaded girl and she got mad at me and started cussing and stuff, and then i got in trouble!!! very strange huh? well, my dad had an even WEIRDER dream! he was standing on top of some monkey bars that were 5 stories high. he had his clothes on, but he was standing up there with a buch of old guys with no clothes on! and one of the guys tried to swing across the monkey bars but then he fell towards his death. now those are some very strange dreams right there!!! i've tried and it didn't help. can you?

Two very strange dreams.?secure browser

I guess you had some unresloved issues in school. Your Dad knows who he is and where he is going, most people don't.

Two very strange dreams.?home theater opera theater

You represent or are the school in your dreams.

Your Dad's dream means he was with a bunch of guys whose real natures (intents) were exposed. They couldn't not hide who they were inside. One of them even lost his footing. I hope this helps somewhat.
thats very weird but There is a book called Book of Dreams or something like that! but it tells you everything!!! Well your dreams sound pretty funky!! Weird!
You are angry with your father, that is why he died. And, your dream shows that you could have had a better life, that is why you ended back at a school with lower standards of living. You have alot of fear and anger in you. From your past and your present.
YOUR DREAM: This is a typical dream-visiting your old school and running the halls which are somewhat different in the dream. Seeing an old friend in your dreams means that you will encounter an old friend/ get news from old friends (may not be the same person) soon. Regarding the redhaired girl, its more of a projection of your social insecurities.

DAD's DREAM: He is considering some options in his life right now. The other guys represent some of his choices. He is probably weighing the risks involved for each option. Your dad's afraid he might fail.

In the end, dream interpretation is best done by the dreamer because it is based on what is happening at the present, consciously and subconsciously. ^_^
Okay, dream interpretation is only for recurring dreams. If you have dominant themes or ideas which keep appearing in your dreams, then there is probably some merit to interpreting them.

Otherwise, the average dream is a combination of filing away available memories accumulated throughout the day together with subconscious cues derived from your external environment while sleeping. Don't worry about it...until it comes back...

What does dreaming of running in a tunnel mean?

I had a weird dream last night and the most predominant feature was me running. I was going from the island of Lanai (in Hawaii) and running through a really long underwater tunnel, back to Oahu. (I live on Oahu). I was not afraid of anything, but I remember running and feeling a high, like the endorphins you get when you exercise. The tunnel was lit up and normally had a train running through it, but some reason I wanted to run --I don't know why. I ended up making it all the way back through and into the main center back on land which was in a movie theater. I also remember going UP stairs through an exit to get out. People didn't realize I had run the entire distance, which probably was 30 miles (in the dream anyway). I had a feeling of accomplishment, but I also was really out of breath and in disbelief. I was running as fast as I could, almost like I was running from something, but I wasn't afraid. And then I woke up -- what does this mean?

What does dreaming of running in a tunnel mean?opera singer

Dreaming of running competitively should be distinguished from dreams which have you running to or from something. If you are simply running with no goal, it may be an indication that you need to slow down in your every day life. If you are competing, you need to consider your recent rivalries and realistically look at the current challenges. If you are running in a race and win, your unconscious may be expressing confidence that you may or may not feel in the wakened state. Running in your dreams may also symbolize the energy levels, the strength, or the force that you have to get through life.

What does dreaming of running in a tunnel mean?amc theater opera theater

Isnt a tunnel a symbol for a ladys parts?

Have you just got into a new relationship perhaps?
I'm not a dream expert, but I would interpert yours to mean you're on the right track even if you don't think you are when you're conscoius. In my opinion, most dream "meanings" come from the feeling you have upon waking. You seem to feel proud and fulfilled.

I commonly have dreams about my husband cheating?

I dream of my husband cheating on me (he never has) and when i catch him and get upset - he laughs at me, and then all of a sudden, his entire family is there laughing at me and telling me to stop worrying about it. Also, it is always in a public place. Once in a movie theater, once at a house party and so on. When I wake up, I am so angry with him........what the hell are these dreams about?

I commonly have dreams about my husband cheating?met opera

To dream that your mate, spouse, or significant other is cheating on you, indicates your fears of being abandoned. You may feel a lack of attention in the relationship. Alternatively, you may feel that you are not measuring up to the expectations of others. This notion may stem from issues of trust or self-esteem.

I commonly have dreams about my husband cheating?movie theatre opera theater

simple, he is cheating on you and hiding it well!
Well, you may have some anxiety or some ego problem.

If it is anxiety, that means you are afraid of losing your husband and so you projected him cheating on you on a public place. That is also an attention seeking problem. You may want more attention from him.

If it is ego problem, you want more attention from him subconsciously. In reality, you probably don't feel enough maybe subconsciously, so you dream of him cheating.

Whatever it is, it is from your subconscious mind.

Can I go far with this career choice?

I want to go to college for performing arts. I am in 2 choirs, 2 private singing classes, can sing very well, and act. I want to try to do theater as my job. It is my dream. My dad is worried that that will not work out and that I should have a back up plan and major in something more stable as well. If theater does not work out, isn't there other choices like vocal teacher, choir director, acting class, etc. Or will it not be enough to be independent and make a living.

Can I go far with this career choice?lyric opera

I'd worry too. But that said, passion is what makes people great. If you are interested in this career path, I would be talking to people who are successful doing it. I'm sure you know there is more to it than performing, but if you are asking the question here, there is no way you understand the business.

You would be smart to diversify your education. A business or finance backup could help you in your chosen career, and at the very worst get you a job in the lean times of performing arts. Good luck!

Can I go far with this career choice?imax theater opera theater

Do not give up on your dream but do have a back up plan. Theater is very hard to get into and YES you will be a starving artist. You need to be prepared and do more research. I suggest you find a chat room or blog for Theater workers and talk to them about what they go through and what they had to do to get there. Then decide if that is something you are willing to do. You could consider teaching arts and interpretive dance. There is always a need for teachers, but stay within what you like to do.
You probably should prepare for a career that is available for a lifetime. High schools and Jr. Highs are always looking for drama teachers, choral and vocal instructors to name a few. It's also very rewarding working with children and teens, especially in the performing arts because it is an elective - something kids choose rather than a requirement for graduation.

I have had some of my special ed students in show choir and drama classes, where their disabilities seem to disappear.

What book is this???????

So I'm trying to find a book but i cant remember the name, i

was sure the name was Dreamweaver, but i cant find it anywhere

I cant remember a whole lot about it, but i do remember

In the book there is a place where only some people can get to, It has dreams that theses people find and then they go back to where everyone is and, in a place like a theater, everyone can see the dreams

When they turn a certain age(i cant remember exactly) they all go and see if they can get to the place, and then they can go and get dreams and show them to people

I read it a looong time ago so i dont really remember much else, so any help is appreciated, thanks!

What book is this???????opera house

I'm sure it's the Rainbow Opera, by Elizabeth Knox. There's a girl called Laura in it, I think, and there's some problem with her father. Is that it?

What book is this???????dream theater opera theater

The Giver by Lois Lowry (?)
hey is it the giver? it doesn't exactly match your description but its close...
There's a program called dreamweaver.
Try this site.

Its really good:

GCSE ideas?

I have taken GCSE textiles and for my main project, i get to choose what to make. I want to make a costume suitable for a theater/ stage, something like a 'midsummer nights dream' fairy, or snow queen, or a character like that? Any ideas? Thanks! :D

GCSE ideas?

Titania, the fairy queen. Lots of scope for imagination, and you can get away with almost anything and it'll look good.

GCSE ideas?amc theatre opera theater

what about a show gilr out fit least material!
Watch the films. See what captures your imagination.

Read the stage plays, get the feel of the story. Try to incorporate some of the character into the costume.

Look at some on line images of fairies.

Richard Dadds the fairy fellas Master stroke.

Flower fairies.

Read; look.
Heya x

Why not, create a mood board and get all your creative ideas flowing.

Fill it with the fabrics you love,your designs, other people designs you like, e.c.t keep adding to it n before you know it you will have pieced together the perfect costume that you love and fits the criteria. (e.g.Fabrics,colours from the play).

What does the word a midsummer nights dream mean to you, is supposed to look like, just by thinking of the words you can let you imagenitive imagination explore loadz of different ideas, dont be afraid to try out different things, and if you are determined and passionate enough with your design go along with it, you can do it!! I'm sure that you will come up with an amazing costume, soz i don't have much experience in textiles n that,( i am in year 10- takin gcse art n drama,but avnt reli ad 2 do anything like this......yet), but am sure if u did a mood board......if u haven't already you will come up with something.

Good Luck,

Hope this helps =)


But if you want to create this costume and make it 2 your highest standard that means being 100% passionate. So even if you hate shakespear n that, think your favorite colours that are related to the textiles project,as incorporating the colours within the costume will gain you extra marks, so if the coloures are red and blue and......, if you hate red incorporate blue, e.c.t choose ur favorite fabric from those worn back then, and again incorporate them into your design, it will seen ore enjoyable.

But most importantly have fun with the design, and i'm 100% sure that you can do this with enough passion and determination, it will seem a breeze.

Good Luck!!!!!!

POLL: Based on these 2 obvious signs am i a psychic?

4 days ago i had a dream that i went to an old movie theater in my town and I was going there for the last time before they closed....2 days later, i heard they were closing for good.

Last night i had a dream i had an ear infection, today i woke up with one....

coincidence? i think not, gimmie you're palm i'll tell you your future.

POLL: Based on these 2 obvious signs am i a psychic?opera mobile

i see myself in your pants. oly out.

POLL: Based on these 2 obvious signs am i a psychic?imax theatre opera theater

just tell me where I lost my glasses 2 weeks ago
no I don't think your a phychic sorry.. most people have things happen to them like that....

but hey good luck
*sticks out my hand*

please give me some good news.....?
Yes, you obviously posses great power. Now call Miss Cleo %26amp; see if she's hiring.
ok, whatcha got? %26lt;sticks out hand%26gt;
I've never doubted you.

Can you tell me what's for lunch?
here...*sticking out hand**...when will I get laid again?...

**waving a fistfull of cash...looking down for Karen**....where the heck is she?....
I truly believe you are a psychic.

Can you read into my dream and intepret what it means:

I was in a sword fight with Victoria Beckham (we were using baguettes) when the floor gave way and I fell into a pit of banana milkshake. Thrashing around in there was a dinosaur who told me that my tax return was late and I might lose an earring.

I climbed out of the pit and found three potatoes only one of which was the right colour. After being chased by a gorilla named Baxter for a half mile, I ate a meatball sandwich and then woke up.

What does it mean - I am worried I am going to become bald??
would you believe my mom and i had the same dream the same night? that we were fighting? i'm more of a psychic then you. although i am impressed that you can spell the word "psychic" because i had to cut and paste it. its one of those words that i have trouble spelling.
*sticks out palm*.....don't worry it's just mayonnaise
Can you just tell me what this sore is on my crotch?

LOL =)
Sounds like you are very in tune with yourself.....

Any good news....? I've had enough of the other stuff....

I have a trip coming up.... but not one I planned... will it go well?

Here ya go...... can you give me a diagnosis on my arm while you're at it. I need a two for one special!
its just a case of parapsychology
Am I getting fired today...........?
I could use some good news.
si. la psychica is strong within you. may la force be with you. (todays language of the day is spanish)
You have a gift, mama.
Tell me what you see, oh great seer.
good 4 u could turn into a second income
You should know what I originally was going say in this answer.

Is he too good to be true? Mornin love. ?
A palm reader once look at my hand and then shuddered. he got nervous and something about me being powerful.
Are we getting a blizzard will my flight be cancelled will the clinic call back soon am I going to get a machine gun and kill everyone if we get a foot of snow tonight?
Wow,that is crazy;)

Here's my palm for you~Please be gentle;)
How much do I owe for my San Diego Gas and Electric bill?
Clearly the ear infection thing was subliminal, but you blew me away with the movie theater thing!

Can you tell me when my man's ex will drop off the face of the earth! p-p-p-p-please?!?!

What do you think this means?

I had a dream where at first I was in a theater with people I went to college with putting on a play. Then I had to go cheerleading try outs like I was in high school. I knew I wasn't the cheerleader type (skill wise) but for some reason it was like I was forced to go. I filled out the paperwork and when the coach talked to me, I said that I would maybe have to drop out because I had a bad sinus infection (which wasn't true. I was sick, but not horribly). I sat there and watched all these athletes do their thing and it was crazy. They had the cheerleaders run up a flight of stairs and backflip from this ledge (which I wouldn't and couldn't do).All I knew is that it wasn't for me and I wanted to leave. So I told the coach I wanted to leave because I was sick and she said ok. Then this girl came out and yelled at me for quitting without really trying. She said she would have respected me if I gave it my all and failed, but she didn't want anything to do with me. What does it mean?

What do you think this means?opera sheet music

Trying new things may be unsettling to you.

What do you think this means?shows opera theater

Dreams are often a reflection of what's going on in our waking life. The theme of this dream is that you felt forced to do something you didn't feel comfortable doing, you were dishonest to get out of it, and then you felt judged for backing out.

This dream might mean you are feeling pressured to do something you don't want to do or don't feel capable of doing.
Perhaps your feeling inferior. Your self-concious and your not willing to try something new or do something to get attention. You sit there and try to be invisible, try not to get noticed. The girl running out in your dreams yelling that she didnt want anything to do with you, could be a reflection of you. You want to try something, you want to be audacious and heard, respected and noticed, but your either to shy, or you just dont have the guts. The cheerleaders doing their thing while your watching, is you KNOWING you could do this if you tried, if you learned out, you dont respect yourself because you know your limits and your not pushing them.

I dont know how to explain this, I hope this gets what I am trying to say across lol

Will I be to old to be an actor ?

I am 38 and in the Army, I will be retiring in 4 years and wish to move to LA to pursue an acting career. I will be 42 by then. Is this to old to chase after my dream ? I already have a Bachelors degree in theater, and currently take acting classes as a hobby in my off duty time.

Will I be to old to be an actor ?listen to opera

First of all to everyone who mentioned Morgan Freeman, he'd been acting in theatre for many years before he broke out. And dude, you're not too old. Glad to see you have training. You've got a serious leg up on most of the types who come out here. Keep studying this wonderful craft of ours. Even if you don't make it, acting is a great life. Hope to see you out here soon.

Will I be to old to be an actor ?concert venue opera theater

People have begun acting careers much older than that. You're basically too old once you're dead.
I don't think thats too old to be a actor... Chase after and catch your dreams!! Good luck!!
no - there are many opportunities for actors of all ages...
Generally speaking, don't buy into the "too old" philosophy in life. Colonel Sanders was around 65 before he became successful and famous.
George Burns was older than that
As far as I am concerned, you are NEVER too old to follow your dream. Go for it! On a side note...thank you for your service in the Army.
Haha dude! Of course!!! There is not age limit in the theatre business! I'll remember you when I start my directing career lol. Go for it!
If that is your desire, go for it. I know Isabel Sanford, Wheezy on the Jeffersons, didn't start until she was older.
okay great, Billy Bob Thronton and Morgan Freeman are older actors..there is many more

so go for it!
never too late to do anything. if u love acting, if u love the art and craft by all means do it.

but if u want to be famous, the younger ones will have a heads up.

hollywood and theatre is based mainly on looks and youth. it s a biased field.

so u may not do so well in hollywood but you can probably and excellent actor for the sake of being excellent.
Its a tough business to break into young or old unless you know someone in the business.

You might be able to work in live theater they don't seem to have an age limit. They also don't have a closed ranks, everyone in that town pretty much looks alike, thin, and ditzy.
Breaking into acting is hard to begin with. If you want a movie career you're probably not going to get anywhere. If you want to act in theater on the other hand it's not so crazy. Theater is more about talent then youth. Good luck.
Remember that show Northern Exposure...the older lady who played Ruth Ann Miller did not even take an acting class until she was 65...then acted regularly after getting the role on Northern no, you are never too old!!
No, you won't be. The only problem is that you won't be one of the highest rated because you wouldn't have made as many as some of the actors in there 60's. But you wouldn't be too old to chase your dream. You'd probably get there and be good at it. Hope that helps a bit...
actually no you will not be because there are ppl who are like 60 most likely if it's only make-up but im pretty sure you will be able to
I don't think so,I want to get into musicals and I won't be trying out until I'm in my thirty's.I say go for it,it's never to late to go for your dreams.
There are roles for all shapes and sizes and age groups. Are you married with kids? That really makes the decision tougher. If not, go for it! Some have started late and had success....Gabreil Burne and Brendan Gleason (Mel Gibson's buddy in Braveheart) are a couple examples. I bet they're glad they made the leap.
My first acting job was at age 66.

In all honesty, however, It proved beyond a shadow of a doubt

that I should stay behind the camera.

Do not let my inability deter you, however.
My understanding is Morgan Freedman started at a very old age.

Why do samuel L. Jacksons movies suck?

Ok lets be honost here, Samuel L jackson most definetly forgot what acting is , because his movies are the equivalent of a turd floating in the toilet, at the local corner store. I really feel bad for a young boy sitting in a movie theater, building up emotions of dreams and desires watching this guy on screen. He obviously doesnt see it yet, but hes heading for a pretty rude awakening.

Why do samuel L. Jacksons movies suck?city opera

Why did Tom Hanks have a poor showing in "The Da Vinci Code" and "The Terminal?"

Why did Tom Cruise get bad reviews in "War of the Worlds" and "Mission Impossible III?"

Why did Julia Roberts have a poor showing in the movies: "Closer," "The Mexican," and "America's Sweetheart?"

Sooner or later, most top billed celebrities are going to have a movie that receives poor reviews occasionally, and possibly experience a dry spell of making good movies like Tom Hanks.

However, for the most part all of the above celebrities have had more movie success instead of failure and they are not in the category of Rick Moranis, Rob Schneider, or Pauly Shore.

As far as Samuel L. Jackson is concerned, he is the highest grossing box office celebrity to date, and most of his movies have turned a box-office profit, as well as all of the celebrities above.

As a result, I'm sure that the Hollywood studio executives in charge of casting are not concerned with the ratings as long as they are making a box office profit. Also, as long as the dedicated followers of these fans are satisfied, they have done an adequate job to satisfy their audience.

I bet you would like to have even 1% or 2% of what Samuel L. is making in salary and 1/2% of what one of his movies grosses in salary, even if it isn't considered a good plot wouldn't you?

Try not to be so critical and see the bigger picture. Most people fail at some things sooner or later, but as long as the successes outweigh the failures, there's no need to get discouraged and give up.

I'm proud of Samuel L. Jackson and think he's very talented.

Why do samuel L. Jacksons movies suck?performing shows opera theater

samuel l. jackson is a terrific actor.but he should not have chose 'snakes on a plane'
Maybe that's YOUR opinion. I'm quite sure that many disagree with you.
because he doesn't you just won't admit it

A word to the wise form your friend Pennywise
He's been great since he was 16 in Apocalypse Now and Pee Wee's Playhouse as Cowboy Curtis
Awww you're just jealous how cute...Well he does have his pick of some really bad roles...some movies suck cause they are just bad plots and all round ideas...this does not mean Samuel L. Jackson sucks or his acting. Take a look he's been in many of the higher grossing films these last few years...sometimes yes he's typecast but that's not his fault he so good at playing the angry black man....though there are many of him playing a softer gentler role...check all his movies out before ya diss the man. FRANK THE GUY ABOVE ME!!! THAT WAS NOT SAMUEL L. JACKSON....SAY IT WITH ME LAURENCE FISHBURNE, HE WAS COWBOY CURTIS!
I agree..I don't think he's a bad actor but he does lack a certain amount of long as he plays a certain type of character he's fine..he also seems to be making a lot of bad choices in the movies he appears in. I would also suggest that he would be better as part of an ensemble cast rather then being the star, he doesn't have the talent to hold up a movie on his own
i liked him in a time to kill
There's a popular saying in Hollywood, or the film industry, and that is, "Work is work". Take almost any job you can because you don't know WHEN the next job is gonna happen. Even Michael Caine has admitted to doing many bad films in his time.

As great an actor as Sam Jackson is, he does not get paid as much as the others. Maybe that's why he accepts to take on as many projects as he can.

Also, it's hard to determine just by reading a script, how the finished product will turn out. Mr. Jackson may have been intrigued by what he read, and took a chance.

And finally, a film is a GROUP effort. An actor may attract audiences to buy tickets, for the first weekend of release, but all the other elements, such as story, cinematography, music, pacing, etc. will ensure that the seats are filled during future screenings. To blame Sam Jackson solely for the quality of the film is somewhat premature.

Need help finding the name of a movie?

ok..all i can remember is that in the movie a guy goes to some woman and she puts him in a dream-like state and hes sitting in movie theater..and shes telling him to look at the screen...theres sumthin on it but he cant read so he keeps on tryin ta figure out whats on the screen....and then at the very end of the movie the girl that was killed in the begging walks out of the house and walks down the street

Need help finding the name of a movie?passions soap opera

If the guy was Kevin Bacon, it sounds very much like Stir of Echo's

Need help finding the name of a movie?mr messed up opera theater

Donnie Darko
Stir of echos?
i think it's the movie DIG. I'm not sure, cuz that's what it had said on the screen at the end. But I don't know the exact title. Good Luck on finding it!!
stir of echoes
OH! OH! OH! I know I know I know

It have Kevin Bacon in it

The Voices of Echoes ?


The Stir of Echoes?

I'm not sure? I just saw it earlier this year and it was great. So great that I can stil remember how afraid Kevin was what was happening to him. Great Movie!
Sounds like a weird Twilight Zone movie.
Stir of echos

The same behaviour from a guy in various dreams ?

i'v had countless dreams where this guy who i liked ...and still like alot.........he would always be at a near distance secretly looking at me........sometimes i would feel it in my dreams so strongly...other times i catch notice ---but all these times i'm always ignoring him....or pretending not to notice or becoming attentive to him........and yet in those dreams i was attentive to how he was acting........i've had at least 10 dreams of this with different places...class rooms....hallways...theaters....etc........ today afternoon when i took a nap i had a dream again of going to the theatre...and i was surprised to see him and he was too...and i sat from a distance on purpose while he took notice secretly ...

and on the screen was harry!

anyhow what's the interpretation of his behaviour?

p.s in reality...he does glance at me and secretly look every so fact back in nov. and dec....and oct..he looked w/o me lookin at him almost everyday....

The same behaviour from a guy in various dreams ?movie theater

Maybe you are trying to put his real behavior into a dream to figure out what it means, if you are curious about what he does in real life, you might be trying to decode it in your dream. This doesn't mean what you have thought of is true, but it means it is on your mind. scared?

i had a dream last night that i was at the movie theater and we were watching a movie of the worlld was ending, but it wasnt a movie, it was like actually what was happening to the world at the moment, and i woke and in a sweat

what does it mean when you dream of the world ending? scared?home theater

It mean you are very stressed.

Stressed is desserts spell backwards.

You need to learn to relax, enjoy life and eat some desserts. scared?comedy club opera theater

Type in 12-21-12 click search,, then read
maybe you feel your world is on a down slope. maybe your subconscience is telling you that you're starting to believe and live in a direction you feared and only imagined and its finally happening. haha i dunno it was worth a shot!
Don't stress to much about it

Our dreams are a way our subconscious deals with our day to day living

We see news of devastation and terror everyday so its not strange to dream about it.

Ask yourself, why do you think you dream of the end?

Why does your subconsious dabbel with this question,

maybe you have some unresolved things with people, yourself or your Creator.

I think you already know what it is...

It means you're joining in with the rest of them that are having the same dream. Sweat about it if you must, then pick up a Bible and START READING.
Dreams are a continuation of your waking thoughts. While asleep your subconscious is patching together images that evoke the same emotions you feel while awake.

In your waking life you are in a situation where you feel you are transitioning from one state of being to another -- the "world" as you know it is ending.

If you're school age, maybe you're moving up to the next school level -- middle school to high school, etc. If you're an adult maybe you're changing jobs or something that will alter an aspect of your "normal" life.

Since it began as a movie, it could be that the transition is happening to someone you know or is close to you and not you personally. However, that it eventually happened to the world in general could mean that the other person's transition is going to affect you too. Like if a friend is moving away, etc.

The real life situation is not as dire as it is depicted in your dream.

Sound effects?!?

guys!!! can you help find a music... because we have a play in theater the title is A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM!!! by william shakes spear!!! i need forest sound like birds!!! etc... in the palace i need the music like birds singing!! the smooth sound of piano!!!!

Sound effects?!?amc theater

try goin to one of those women bath shops. they sometimes sell ambient noise Cd's.

Sound effects?!?concerts opera theater

hmmm, maybe try one of those sleep soothing machines that help you relax, and mic it?

How is my singing? Could I ever make it?

Hi all. This is my first question to Y!A although I answer questions all the time.

I am 20 years old, studying costume design for theater in college. I have always had a secret dream to be a singer- to sing anything. People have told me I'm good. Recently, my program in costume is not going well, and I still have another year to go. Also, I'm turning 21 tomorrow and I realize that, well, I'm getting older and I need to make some choices.

So, I finally worked up the courage to record myself singing. Please let me know what you think, which is your favorite, what I need to work on, if I should pursue it, anything you want. I do absolutely love it, but I get so terribly embarrassed and scared. Even the thought of someone I know finding me on here is.. horrifying...

Anyway, here I am:

How is my singing? Could I ever make it?movie theatre

There is a certain stigma associated with singing in pretty much every humans head.

It was really hard for me to first get past that "OMG people will hear me" stage! But in order to pursue what you really want to do, you have to be humble and realize that it won't be a mistake free road. The pure act of attempting to sing puts yourself on the chopping block, and not everyone is good at singing.

However! Life is about work, Michael Jordon wasn't born the greatest basketball player on earth, and most singers are not market-ably good at first, and many are downright bad.

But with persistence, drive, and some thick skin, they learn, gain experience and continue to build and form their talent. I wasn't able to listen to your stuff at this time, but from what I've read no one is dancing around "singing" your praises.

That doesn't mean stop, it means keep working.

As I speak I'm listing to myself on my iPod. It's a lifelong dream come true, and it hasn't been easy. I've been ridiculed, and had embarrassing moments, and had terrible performances. But I've had fun, and seen that even though everyone may not like my voice I have been able to reach many, and they are sooo cool and supportive with my career!

That's why people tell you not to give up on your dreams ~ but they say it with the knowledge that you will have to work incredibly hard to get there.

Good Luck lady!


How is my singing? Could I ever make it?playhouse opera theater

You are very good! Try working on projection, that way your voice will have more boom and you will be louder, not screaming, but you will be able to sing across a room and have everyone hear you! Other than that you are good!

:) Best Wishes!
I listened(watched) a couple of your you tube postings. Could you ever make it?

Hard to tell. I would give you an A+ though just for your bravery if nothing else.

It's readily apparent that you're downright terrified, which is not good. You would certainly have to overcome your stage fright.

The accompanying music is beautiful, your phrasing is professional and you seem to have considerable poise.

And forgive me, but you're not very attractive, especially with those Godawful glasses.

If you're really serious about becoming a professional singer, the absolute first thing you must do, is get a really good classical voice teacher; stay with them and be willing to practice like hell for at least 3 or 4 years. You must learn to breath properly and how to project your voice.

If you're willing to do all these things, you might have a chance. But, and again forgive me, you would probably be a lot better off in some other profession.


Please excuse me but im gonna be as harsh and unrational as i can be, cause that's what its like out on the stage in the real world. with this kind of attitude you will NEVER be a singer. EVER. ever. EVER! get it! why even ASK this question? the whole point in life is to go after the things we love with as much passion and effort as anything in our lives. its a risk, but we learn more from our mistakes than we ever do by doing something right. yeah... ur 21 and im way younger than you and i know this. it may have just taken you longer to realize this but maybe you need someone to tell this to your face, so here it is. Follow your heart. It may sound cliche but it is the one saying in this world that you should really listen to. If singing is your passion then you will do anything to achieve it. Read the Alchemist, its amazing and will help you realize that you should go against everything youve ever learned.

As for your voice... your good. Your tone quality is good and everything is perfect. The only thing is... is that its boring. Quiet and boring. Have more confidence. The whole part of singing is that it's an act. You need to stop working on back stage, singing is when your in the spotlight and that is never going to change.

JUst remember, you will never be a singer with this attitude, i can't even believe you asked such a stupid question and im one of those people who dont believe there is such a thing as a stupid question, but this is. how COULD you? You were given a gift and you have no drive to share your gift with others. im a singer, not professionally but it doesn't matter. I live for the moments wherre i feel the music winding itself around me.

Buy THe Alchemist. if you don't get it the first time, read it again.

Good Luck, i hope you realize how i got so angry at this question.
yes you do sound good and u look exactly like ur avatar
I think you are fantastic, you DO need to work on your volume!! I had to crank the speakers on my comp to hear you. But you have a beautiful voice and I think you have what it takes, and the glasses add character to your face, but you might want to consider getting contacts, instead, but they aren't as bad as someone else made them out to be. I think you are a very pretty young woman and could go very far with your voice, if you can just get over the whole worry about anyone seeing you on here. . . who cares, I mean, the most they can do is laugh and that's only if they are cruel heartless bastards, because anyone with any decency will tell you that you are as good as you let yourself be!! Good luck sweetie! and I hope this helps! ^_^
